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12890 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12890 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Statistical units (economical statistics)

The units to which the statistical report on financial processes and the production process refers. These are the actors that play a key role in the institutional description of the economic...


Week 52: mortality further up among long-term care users

In week 52 of 2020 (21 to 27 December inclusive), there were 3.8 thousand deaths. The number of deaths rose further among people receiving long-term care.


40 bankruptcies in week 48

In week 48, 40 companies and institutions including sole proprietorships were declared bankrupt.


Households Caribbean Netherlands, 1 January 2019

Once a year Statistics Netherlands publishes table information on the household composition in Caribbean Netherlands.


Investments plummeting in May

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 18.8 percent down in May 2020 relative to the same month last year.


New data sources and inference methods for statistics

Methodological issues with non-probability data for official statistics.


Monitor of Well-being & the SDGs 2021

De ontwikkeling van welvaart in de brede zin van het woord – economisch, ecologische en sociaal-maatschappelijk – in Nederland en de voortgang in Nederland m.b.t. de SDG’s van de Verenigde Naties.


Economic situation deteriorating further in July

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has deteriorated further this month.


Retail turnover almost 10 percent up in November

In November 2020 the Dutch retail sector recorded 9.6 percent year-on-year turnover growth.


Bulk of sickness absence not work-related

Last year, nearly half of all employees in the Netherlands were at least one time absent from work because they were ill. Statistics Netherlands announced today that in nearly one quarter of cases,...


Netherlands earns €0.5 billion in car exports to the US

In 2015, the Dutch private sector generated more than 0.5 billion euros in revenues through European exports of motor vehicles and vehicle components to the United States.


Fewer social security claimants find work

The proportion of social security claimants who found a new job declined further last year. Since the start of the survey in 2007, the proportion has never been so low.


Mapping the value of our natural landscape

Mapping the value of our natural landscape


Almost 4 thousand deaths in week 51

The total number of deaths in week 51 (14 - 20 December inclusive) is estimated at almost 4 thousand. This is nearly 400 more than in the previous week


Weekly news release on bankruptcies

Weekly news release on bankruptcies


CBS launching Center for Big Data Statistics

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is focusing more and more on the use of big data for official statistics production.


Manufacturing output almost 10 percent down in June

In June 2020, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 9.7 percent down on June 2019.


Dutch manufacturers again less negative

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers again less negative.


Trends in the Netherlands: focus on images and infographics

Corporate news article Trends in the Netherlands: focus on images and infographics


Linda - Project Manager R&D and Innovation Statistics

About Linda Project Manager R&D and Innovation Statistics


55 bankruptcies in week 47

In week 47, 55 companies and institutions including sole proprietorships were declared bankrupt.


European countries working together on big data

On 23 and 24 February the first ESSnet Big Data Dissemination Workshop took place in Sofia


Rebasing the price indices of civil engineering works from 2000=100 to 2005=100

To follow the price developments in various areas in civil engineering (in Dutch: Grond-,Weg- en Waterbouw (GWW)) in the Netherlands, Statistics Netherlands publishes quarterly price indices of civil...


Government Finance Statistics; key figures 1987 - 2013

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.
