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3952 results for keyword:business cycle
3952 results for keyword:business cycle

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Economy continues to grow

The Dutch economy grew by 2.2 percent in the second quarter compared with the same period in 2009. The increase was clearly more substantial than in the first quarter, when the economy grew by 0.6...


Fewer jobs lost than anticipated

In the second quarter of this year, 63 thousand jobs of employees (0.8 percent) were lost compared to the second quarter of 2009.


Employment decline less substantial

There were 63 thousand fewer jobs of employees in the second quarter of 2010 than in the second quarter of 2009, i.e. a decline by 0.8 percent. The decline is less substantial than in the previous...


Household consumption marginally higher

In July 2010, household spending on goods and services was up by 0.2 percent on July 2009. In June, households spent 1.5 percent more than one year previously.


House prices slightly down

Prices of existing owner-occupied residential property sold in August 2010 were on average 0.4 percent lower than in August 2009. Since February 2009, house prices have been continuously lower than...


Consumer confidence falls slightly

The mood among consumers deteriorated in September. The consumer confidence index stood at -14 in September versus -11 in August. Pessimistic consumers outnumber optimistic ones.


Business investment spending over 3 percent down in July

In July 2010, the volume of corporate investments in tangible fixed assets was 3.4 percent down on July 2009. The decline was in the same order of magnitude as in June, but far below the level of the...


Retail turnover 1 percent higher in July

Dutch retailers generated 1 percent more turnover in July than one year previously. The shopping-day pattern in July 2010 was, however, more favourable than in July 2009. After a rough correction for...


Unemployment down for sixth month in a row

386 thousand persons were unemployed in August 2010. Unemployment is obviously subject to seasonal variation. After correction for seasonal variation, 414 thousand persons were unemployed, a decline...


Unemployment further down

In August 2010, seasonally adjusted unemployment in the Netherlands stood at 414 thousand, a decline by 12 thousand relative to July. Unemployment has decreased for six months now.


Stagnation in retail sector

July’s retail turnover was 0.9 percent up on the same month last year. Retail prices were nearly 2 percent higher than one year previously. Turnover volume shrank by nearly 1 percent.


Slight deterioration in terms of trade

The Dutch terms of trade of imported and exported goods deteriorated slightly in July 2010 compared with July 2009. Prices of imported goods were 7.7 percent higher, prices of exported goods rose by...


Sustained exports growth

In July, the volume of goods exports was up by nearly 13 percent on twelve months previously. This is the same increase as in June. For the first time the volume of exported goods was considerably...


Number of bankruptcies marginally up

In August this year, 530 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, an increase by 25 relative to July. The number of bankruptcies was more...


Inflation dips to 1.5 percent

The Dutch inflation rate dropped marginally in August to 1.5 percent, i.e. 0.1 percentage points lower than in July. Prices of clothes and petrol had a downward effect on inflation.


Inflation rate slightly down

Dutch inflation was 1.5 percent in August, i.e. 0.1 percentage points down on July. The decrease was mainly caused by price developments for clothes and petrol.


Interest rate further down

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 2.6 percent in August 2010, i.e. 0.3 percentage points down on July’s interest rate.


Price increases in manufacturing industry less substantial

In July, factory gate prices in Dutch manufacturing industry were 9 percent higher than one year previously. The increase was slightly less significant than in June.


Substantial increase in number of temp jobs

The number of hours worked in temp jobs increased by nearly 5 percent in the second quarter of 2010 compared to the first quarter.


Mood among manufacturers improved

After two months of declining confidence, the mood among manufacturers improved in August. Producer confidence stood at 0.4 versus -2.4 in July.


Reduction manufacturing stocks fairly stable

In June, manufacturers had reduced their stocks of finished products by more than 13 percent relative to the same month one year previously. The reduction was in the same order of magnitude as in the...


Business service providers anticipate turnover growth

In August, the number of business services providers expecting turnover to increase in the next three months outnumbered those expecting a decrease. The balance was + 9 in August versus - 4 in July.
