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2423 results for gas consumption
2423 results for gas consumption

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Households had a lot more to spend in 2006

The disposable income of Dutch households rose by nearly 4 percent in 2006.


Health accounts; providers and functions, 2005-2013

Health accounts; providers and functions, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Inflation down to 1.2 percent in February

Consumer price index, inflation in the Netherlands fell further in February, to 1.2 percent. This is the lowest level since October 1995. The decease was mainly caused by lower prices for food and...


Waste over Time Script

Information about Physical Sales and Waste Forecast Script


Concentrations of particulate matter in urban areas

Annual average concentrations of particulate matter (PM10) in urban areas are decreasing since the year 2000.


The Digital Economy, 2007 (summary)

The digital economy 2007 (Dutch version). The English version will be published at the end of June 2008. However, the summary and conclusions of the publication are already available.


Half of all inbound goods destined for other countries

The development of goods flows to and from the Netherlands in 2015: imports, exports, transit trade, re-exports.


Consumer-oriented producers optimistic about 2016

Producers selling directly to consumers are optimistic about their turnover results for 2016. Optimism prevails in the retail sector, the travel industry, the sector hotels and restaurants and the...


The Circular Economy: towards a lower use of resources

a statistical overview of the circular economy’s effects on the environment and raw material consumption


Economic situation fairly stable

The Dutch economic situation has hardly changes in June compared to May.


Exports nearly 400 times higher than in 1917

The Netherlands' external trade has grown explosively over the past century.


DG Statistics Netherlands advises Prince Charles

Altogether 17 different main goals have been set by the UN for sustainable development


Netherlands has the seventh largest trade surplus in the world

Worldwide, the Netherlands has the seventh largest trade surplus in the trade of goods . China and Germany have the largest trade surpluses in the world in the absolute sense. The United States have...


Fixed capital formation by type of capital good;national accounts 1995-2015

Fixed capital formation by type of capital good Dwellings, non-residential buildings, civil engineering works, machinery


Economic situation virtually unchanged

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has hardly changed in August compared to the previous month.


DG Statistics Netherlands advises Prince Charles

DG Mr. Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi participated in the advisory group at the ‘Measure what Matters: a Framework for Action’ forum last 12 July with HRH Prince of Wales.


Dutch economy rallies slightly in third quarter 2009

The Dutch economy shrank by 3.7 percent in the third quarter of 2009 compared with the same quarter last year. This decrease is considerably smaller than the decrease in the first half of the year....


Economic situation more or less stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in September was about the same as in August. Economic recovery has come to a virtual standstill over the last...


CBS and MU: sharing health data in a responsible way

Combining large data files may not only help Statistics Netherlands it could also contribute to scientific advances


CPI; derived series 1995 = 100

Consumer price indices derived series; all households, low income households, high income households
