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3086 results for foreign employees
3086 results for foreign employees

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Manufacturers a little more optimistic

The mood among manufacturers improved a little in January. The producer confidence indicator stood at 2.7 versus 2.5 in December 2010.


Manufacturing output over 4 percent up in February

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 4.2 percent up in February compared to the same month last year.


Steady growth exports

The total volume of goods exports grew by 4.6 percent in September 2016 relative to September 2015


Decline in number of temp hours levels off

The number of hours worked in temp jobs dropped by 2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2009 relative to the third quarter.


Extraction, import and export materials by kind, nat. accounts 1996-2012

Extraction, import and export materials Material flows to and from the Dutch economy


Manufacturing output prices almost 1 percent up

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 0.7 percent up in March 2018 year-on-year.


Manufacturing output prices over 1 percent up in April

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 1.1 percent up in April 2018 year-on-year.



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 23-27 November 2009 (Week 48).


Manufacturing prices down

Selling prices in manufacturing industry were 1.5 percent lower in May 2013 than in May 2012. Prices have been lower than twelve months previously for three consecutive months now. This is...


Increase in manufacturing prices remains stable

Output prices of the Dutch manufacturing industry were more than 4 percent higher in September 2012 than in September 2011. The increase in manufacturing prices was about the same as in August.


Tourism from Belgium nearly doubled in past decade

Last year, 11 million foreigners stayed in overnight accommodations in the Netherlands, an 8 percent increase relative to 2000. The largest group (more than a quarter) of tourists come from Germany,...


Prices manufacturing industry continue to fall

Selling prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were 3.7 percent down in November from November 2013. In October, prices were 2.1 percent down from twelve months previously. According to...


Producer confidence drops slightly

Producer confidence fell slightly in April. The indicator stood at 4.6, as against 5.8 in March. The indicator dropped mainly because manufacturers’ opinions on their stocks deteriorated...


Manufacturing prices fall less rapidly

Selling prices of Dutch manufacturing industry were 0.8 percent lower in April 2014 than in April 2013. In February and March, prices of manufactured products were respectively 2.9 and 2.7 percent...


Half of Dutch population has a DigiD

More than half the adult population of the Netherlands had an active DigiD on 1 July 2008.


Decline in exports reduced by half

In July 2009, the volume of goods exports was almost 6 percent down on twelve months previously, a reduction by half relative to June, when the volume of exports slumped by 12 percent.
