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2415 results for health insurance
2415 results for health insurance

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Statistics producers in Estonia doing a great job

In May 2016 an international conference was held in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.


Producer Prices; SBI 2008, sales, index 2005 = 100, 1981-2012

Price index number (excluding excise), by sales (domestic and foreign) According to activity nomenclature SBI2008


Are SMEs ready for big data?

Recent explorative research conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) shows that only a fraction of Dutch small


Venlo using data more effectively for city and region

Venlo is able to deploy data more effectively in municipal and regional policymaking


SAE 2016: Small Area Estimation in current statistical practice

The focus of this year’s conference was on the application of small area estimation at national statistical offices.


Fewer job losses

In the fourth quarter of 2004 there were 92 thousand jobs of employees less than in the fourth quarter van 2003. This brought job losses down to under 100 thousand for the first time in a year. The...


How many deaths are registered per week?

On a weekly basis, mortality in the Netherlands stands at 2,900 on average. It tends to be higher in winter than in summer.


SDG 11.1 Housing

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 Sustainable cities and communities: housing. SDG 11.1 looks at suitable housing. A large part of life takes place in and around the home.


SDG 11.1 Housing

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 Sustainable cities and communities: housing. SDG 11.1 looks at suitable housing. A large part of life takes place in and around the home.


Energy intensities of buildings in the services sector; construction period

Energy intensities services by construction period Natural gas electricity sector construction period services


3/4 of young Bonairians not in education are in work

Young workers on Bonaire often have full-time jobs, similar to the over-25s.


CBS Urban Data Centre/The Hague launched

innovative developments in the area of Sustainable Development Goals


Environmental accounts; emissions to water 1995 to 2014

Emissions of heavy metals and nutrients Emissions of industries and households, different types of destination


Environmental taxes and fees; revenues by taxpayer 1987-2012

Environmental taxes, environmental fees taxpayer


Which SMEs are ready for big data?

small and medium-sized enterprises ready for new services based on big data


CBS, The Hague University of Applied Sciences work on big data

In September 2016, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) established the Center for Big Data Statistics (CBDS).


Toward a data-driven European economy

The European Data Forum in Eindhoven brought together big data experts


Urban lifestyle provides a wealth of information

How can life rhythms of urban residents be used in analysing and solving urban issues, e.g. security or social cohesion


SDG 16.1 Security and peace

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions: security and peace. SDG 16.1 aims to promote a safe society in which everyone has access to a fair legal...


Environmental and economical key figures; NAMEA

Environmental - economical key figures; NAMEA Source and destination


Using Twitter data to measure emotions

Kunneman thinks the particular value of detecting emotions on Twitter


Army medical statistics: a 19th century mine of information

We use statistics to build up our knowledge about society. This is an age-old idea of what statistics are for. In the words of Jan Ackersdyck, professor of statistics in Utrecht in the mid-19th...


Lower gas consumption has negative effect on Dutch economy

According to the first estimate conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the Dutch economy recorded a negative growth rate of 1.4 percent in the first quarter of 2014 relative to the...
