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2657 results for corporate social responsibility
2657 results for corporate social responsibility

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Labour contract for a fixed period of time

An employment contract which specifies a fixed period of time, either as agreed between employer and employee, or determined by law or by custom.


Seasonal correction

The removal of annually recurring patterns from the figures which are normal for a particular time of year.


Statistics Netherlands and University of Amsterdam establish chair in cause of death registration

Prof. dr. J.W.P.F. (Jan) Kardaun has been appointed professor by special appointment in the registration and statistics of causes of death at the University of Amsterdam.


Highly-educated young men more often unemployed than their female counterparts

Unemployment among highly-educated 25 to 35-year-old men has increased significantly after 2009. Last year, more than 6 percent of them were unemployed. The rate was nearly twice as high as among...


Schools eat into their financial reserves

For the second year running, schools in primary and secondary education face a deficit. The 2011 deficit amounted to 171 million euros, versus 190 million euros one year previously.


Older people with unemployment benefits: resumption of work and background characteristics, 2006-2009  - A study to evaluate the IOW act (Dutch only)

Characteristics of potential claimants under the ‘Income Provision for Older Unemployed Persons Act’ (IOW). Commissoned by: Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment


Slight consumption increase in 2004

The volume of domestic household consumption in 2004 increased by 0.4 percent, whereas consumption volume in 2003 fell by 0.9 percent. This means that household consumption in 2004 recovered slightly...


More and more unemployed look for a job online

At eight in ten, the share of unemployed people in the Netherlands who went through job advertisements in 2011 was about the same as in 2004. In the period 2004-2011the share of unemployed people...


Unemployed more engaged in volunteer work than people with paid jobs

Some 22 percent in the adult population were engaged in volunteer work in 2009. People with paid jobs almost as often did volunteer work as people who did not have paid jobs, but unemployed spent...


Nearly 20 percent of gross household income paid in taxes and national insurance contributions

In 2008, Dutch households paid 19.2 percent of their gross income in income tax and national insurance contributions. A provisional estimate for 2009 shows a marginal increase to 19.5 percent.


Incidental wage development

The part of the development of the average earned wage that does not result from a collective labour agreement change. It is divided into demographic-economic effects and other effects.


Occupational Disability Insurance Act (WAO)

The law entitles employees who become disabled to a benefit replacing their wages when they become long-term disabled, e.g. for more than one year.


Sickness Benefits Act (ZW)

The law insures employees against the expense from sickness and labour disability. The law applies when there is no legal obligation to continue paying wages.


Sick leave percentage

The number of calendar days (including weekends) of sick leave in the observation period, divided by the labour volume (in fulltime equivalents) multiplied by the number of calendar days in the...


Regulation of working hours

Working hours are divided into: - regular working hours (only during the day on week days), - irregular working hours (distinguishable in: working evenings, working nights, working Saturdays and...


Pension insurance

An insurance an employer has with a pension fund or insurance company in order to provide the employees with a pension to supplement the benefits under the General Old Age Pension Act (AOW).


Exploring third generation non-westerners in the Netherlands (Dutch only)

The third generation of people with a non-western background have parents born in the Netherlands, and at least one grandparent born in a non-western country. At the request of the Ministry of...


Other self-employed person

A person who works for their own account and risk, but not in their own company or as a contributing family worker. This category contains for example people with result from other labour like...


Collective labour agreement sector government

The collective labour agreement (CAO in Dutch) sector government includes all public enterprises such as general government, municipalities, water boards and public education. Also included are the...


Wage cost subsidies

Subsidy on the total wage sum or the number of employees. Or subsidies for employing certain categories of people, such as physically disabled or long-term unemployed people. Also subsidies on the...


Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 1978

The classification of educational programs by level and field used by Statistics Netherlands since 1978 developed for use in statistics and research and for administrative purposes in the Netherlands.


CBS-ODISSEI microdata meetings

CBS-ODISSEI microdata meetings


Mobility of university employees 2003-2006 (Dutch only)

Up to now not much is known about the job mobility of university employees. No information was available about job changes between universities, or about jobs university employees moved to after...
