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2648 results for traffic and transport
2648 results for traffic and transport

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Marginal growth exports

The volume of exports of goods was 0.8 percent up in May from May 2012. In April, exports were 1.9 percent down from one year previously.


Further recovery for exports

In February, the volume of goods exports was more than 11 percent up on twelve months previously versus 8 percent in January, but it should be taken into account that the substantial downturn in...


CBS experimenting with sensors

How many locations were you visiting today? Think of: work, child care, supermarket, gym...? And how much time did you spend driving, or how far did you cycle today?


How do emissions compare to economic growth?

How do emissions compare to economic growth?


Sector accounts; current transactions 1969 - q4 2013

Current transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Manufacturers more confident

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 9.8 in May, up from 8.2 in April.


Positive mood in private sector continues

Business confidence remains high into the fourth quarter of 2016.


Fewer bankruptcies

The number of bankruptcies decreased by 16 in July 2016 relative to June.


Manufacturing output over 4 percent up in February

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 4.2 percent up in February compared to the same month last year.


Consumer spending up by more than 2 percent in June

Dutch consumer spending was more than 2 percent up in June 2017 from June 2016.


number of bankruptcies stable

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the number of bankruptcies, adjusted for the number of court session days, was approximately the same in July 2015 as in June.


Retirement age employees further up

The average age of retirement for employees in the Netherlands had risen to 62.7 years in 2010 and the increase was observed across all sectors. More than 70 thousand employees went into retirement...


turnover manufacturing industry down in third quarter

In the third quarter of 2014, Dutch manufacturing industry recorded a negative turnover growth of 1.7 percent relative to the same period last year. This is the first turnover decline after four...


Foreign trade growing

The value of goods imported to and exported from the Netherlands was higher in April 2004 than in April 2003. Imports were 5 percent higher at 17.7 billion euro, exports amounted to 19.9 billion...


Employment falls further

The number of jobs of employees was 121 thousand (1.5 percent) lower in the first quarter of 2013 than in the same period one year previously. It is the fifth consecutive quarter that the number of...


Moderate growth exports

The volume of exports of goods increased by nearly 5 percent in June from twelve months previously. The growth of the volume of exports has remained fairly stable over the past months. The volume of...


Inflation rate drops marginally

Dutch inflation was 2.6 percent in October, 0.1 percentage points lower than in September. Prices charged for airline tickets and petrol largely accounted for the decline.


Inflation up on Bonaire and Saba

In the third quarter of 2013, inflation was 1.8 percent on Bonaire and 1.4 percent on Saba. These rates were higher than in the previous quarter. On St Eustatius, inflation was down slightly, at 1.7...


Consumption down in October

The volume of domestic consumption was 0.6 percent smaller in October 2003 than twelve months previously. According to figures the decrease was caused by lower spending on durable goods. Spending on...


Major cities hit less hard by recession

Last year, the economy shrank across nearly all provinces. The economy in the province of Friesland shrank most dramatically (1.5 percent), but the contraction was also above the national average of...


Top sectors employ over 1.6 million people

The so-called top sectors include more than 260 thousand businesses. Together, they accounted for more than one third of total output value in 2010. Two thirds of spending on innovation projects by...
