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3449 results for data visualisations

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Economic situation improves

The economic situation improved in August.


Turnover growth sector hotels and restaurants slows down in Q4

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that turnover generated by hotels, restaurants, snack bars and pubs rose by 0.6 percent in Q4 2015 relative to Q3. Turnover has risen for nearly three years in a...


Harmonised price index figures (1996 = 100)

Harmonised price index figures (1996=100); The Netherlands, Eurozone, European Union and year - on-year change


New dwellings; Input indices 1995=100

Input index figures (1995=100) on building costs (total), wage and building material components


Retail turnover nearly 5 percent up in April

Dutch retail sector achieved nearly 5 percent turnover growth in April year-on-year.


Retail turnover almost 2 percent up in October

Dutch retail sector achieved almost 2 percent turnover growth in October year-on-year.


Gross fixed capital formation in tangible assets; changes; 2005-2018

Fixed capital formation in tangible assets Year on year volume changes


Reinoud - Head of Methodology

About Reinoud Head of Methodology


CRT glass in urban mine forecast

Computer and television CRT screen glass in waste


Sewage and refuse disposal; employment and finance, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and other financial result Branches (SIC'93) sewage and refuse disposal


Falling unemployment, mainly among youth

Unemployment declined by an average of 6 thousand per month over the previous three months.


Bankruptcies by company characteristics and province, 1993-2011

Bankruptcies by region and company characteristics: legal form, number of employees, life time, main activity, regions


Labour Accounts; employment, quarterly; 1995-q1 2014

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, economic activity


Consumer prices 1.5 percent up in November

The consumer price index was 1.5 percent higher in November than in the same month last year.


Manufacturing output up again in April

The daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was up again in April. Strongest growth in machinery industry.


Consumer prices 1.1 percent higher than one year ago

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.1 percent higher in May 2017 than in May 2016.


House prices 8 percent higher

Prices of owner-occupied houses were on average 8 percent higher in June 2017 than in June last year.


Sustained decline unemployment

Unemployment declined by an average of 6 thousand a month over the past three months and stood at 463 thousand in March.


Retail turnover 4.5 percent up in July

The Dutch retail sector achieved 4.5 percent turnover growth in July.


Fewer bulb growers cultivating more land

The number of flower bulb farms has decreased by 40 percent since 2000.


Export growth 3 percent in March

The total volume of goods exports grew by 3 in March 2018. Exports of transport equipment, machinery and appliances increased most notably


Inflation rate slips to 1.1 percent

The Dutch consumer price index (CPI) slipped to 1.1 percent in March.
