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Wage drift
Wage changes due to extra payments, bonuses for excellence, a tight job market etc.
Paid work
A job, carried out by an employee or by a self-employed person
Working hours
The number of hours someone works in a normal or average working week.
Median purchasing power continues to rise
The purchasing power of the Dutch population improved 1.1 percent last year.
Abbreviation of the Dutch law: Exceptional Medical Expenses Act (AWBZ).
Abbreviation of the Dutch law: Self-employed Persons Disablement Benefits Act (WAZ).
A 100 guilder municipal tax rebate per household to compensate for increasing taxes.
Number of jobs in December 2008 by economic activity and company size (Dutch only)
At the request of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the Centre for Policy Related Statistics has compiled a table of the number of jobs in December 2008 by economic activity and company...
Owner of a company who is on the payroll of the own company as a director.
Army medical statistics: a 19th century mine of information
We use statistics to build up our knowledge about society. This is an age-old idea of what statistics are for. In the words of Jan Ackersdyck, professor of statistics in Utrecht in the mid-19th...
Potential working hours
The weekly working hours agreed with the employee multiplied by the number of weeks per year.
Gross weekly wage
Regularly paid weekly wage excluding occasional payments, before employee contributions to pension and early retirement schemes.
Highest completed education level
The highest level of education completed (according to the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI))
Situation of a person without paid work, who recently looked for work and is directly available for it.
Zero benefits
Benefits can be reduced to zero because of deductions due to income from work, sanctions, or suspension.
Permanent job
A job based on a contract between an employer and an employee for an indefinite period of time.
Occupational health care service
Safety, health and welfare service for employees, as laid down in the Dutch Arbowet.
Worker on call
Employee who is available for work on call and who does not have a fixed number of working hours.
Industrial accident
A work-related accident due to or during paid work, except traffic accidents to and from work.
Monthly wages
The gross wage paid each month before deducting the pension and early retirement premiums paid by the employee.
Situation in which people find themselves when they are unable to find work or work due to an illness or disability.
Levy on wages, allowances and pensions
Income tax plus premiums for compulsory national insurances.
Temporary job
A job based on a contract between an employer and an employee for a specified limited period of time.