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508 results for keyword:businesses
508 results for keyword:businesses

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Producer confidence at highest level in over 9 years.

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 8.3 in April, up from 7.8 in March.


Confidence among manufacturers improves further

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 7.8 in March. They are especially more positive about their future output.


Confidence among manufacturers improves further

Confidence among manufacturers improves further.


Correspondence between survey and admin data on quarterly turnover

Correspondence between survey and value added tax data on quarterly turnover


Confidence among manufacturers improves further

Dutch producer confidence increased from 4.7 in December to 6.0 in January.


Positive mood in private sector continues

Business confidence remains high into the fourth quarter of 2016.


Business confidence remains high

Business confidence in Q3 2016


Households pay two-thirds of environmental taxes

The polluter-pay principle does not always apply.


1 in 10 innovative firms claim world-first innovation

19 thousand Dutch companies implemented technological innovations in the period 2012-2014.


Growing share of foreign companies in total turnover

Turnover and employment at foreign-controlled companies in the Netherlands are growing relatively fast.


Growth investments slows down

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets grew by 4.2 percent in January 2015 on an annual basis. The increase is far less substantial than in the...


More bankruptcies

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the number of bankruptcies increased by 82 in February 2016 relative to January 2015. Over the past six months the number of bankruptcies has increased...


0.3 percent economic growth in Q4

Statistics Netherlands reports that Dutch quarter-on-quarter economic growth in Q4 2015 was 0.3 percent. Growth is fuelled by investments and exports.


Export growth slows down

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the volume of exports of goods was 0.9 percent up in December 2015 from December 2014. In December, exports of transport equipment, chemical, oil and (basic)...


Fewer bankruptcies

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that - after four months of increase - the number of bankruptcies fell by 27 in January 2016 relative to December 2015. Most bankruptcies were filed in the trade...


Number of bankruptcies reduced by one-fifth last year

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the number of bankruptcies rose by 5 in December 2015 relative to November. In the previous three months, the number of bankruptcies also increased. In 2015,...


Many businesses in Limburg engaged in international trade

In relative terms, Limburg is the most internationally-oriented province of the Netherlands.


More bankruptcies

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that, adjusted for court session days, the number of bankruptcies rose by 47 in October 2015 relative to September. The number of bankruptcies increased notably...


More research and innovation at Dutch companies

In 2014, Dutch companies and research institutes spent over 13 billion euros on research and development (R&D), up 3 percent from 2013. The number of companies innovating has increased in recent...


Shift towards more productive firms mainly in ICT-intensive sectors

ICT has had a positive effect on the Dutch economy between 2000 and December 2010. Firms became more productive in sectors where ICT is used intensively.


Incoming tourism contributed 16.4 percent to Bonaire's economy in 2012

Incoming tourism accounted for a direct contribution to Bonaire’s gross domestic product (GDP) of approximately 16.4 percent in 2012.


Enterprises spending more money on Research and Development abroad

Enterprises and institutions together spent 12.7 billion euros on R&D by in-house personnel in 2013, which constitutes a 2 percent on 2012. Apart from this, R&D activities are also frequently...


more and more businesses in the Netherlands

The number of registered businesses in the Netherlands increased by just over 65 thousand in 2014. In the first quarter of 2015 it rose by nearly 12 thousand. This means there are now a record number...


turnover car branch slides further in 2014, but sales up at start of 2015

According to figures released today by Statistics Netherlands, the Dutch car trade and repairs branch, the largest branch in the automotive sector, realised a net turnover of 29 billion euros in...
