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730 results for asylum request
730 results for asylum request

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Over 3 thousand asylum seekers and following relatives

In September 2016 more than 3 thousand asylum seekers and following relatives arrived in the Netherlands.


Following family members outnumber asylum seekers in Q1

In Jan-Mar 2017, 4 thousand asylum seekers and 5.3 thousand following family members arrived in the Netherlands.


Asylum and integration 2019

Annual study of register data on reception and integration of asylum migrants arriving in the Netherlands since 2014, 2014-2028


October: 3.5 thousand asylum seekers and relatives

3.5 thousand asylum seekers and relatives registered in October of whom 390 from Morocco and 270 from Algeria.


3.9 thousand asylum seekers and relatives in November

November had more asylum requests by relatives and slightly fewer first-time applications than in October.


Well-being stable despite coronavirus, but nature under pressure

The year 2020 was defined by the coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19 is confirmed to have claimed 17.4 thousand lives in the Netherlands last year, and another 2.7 thousand deaths had covid-19 as probable...


The Netherlands in numbers, 2021 edition

The Netherlands in numbers (2021 edition) answers 36 questions about our country by means of images and text.


Medical intervention shortening a patient’s life without the patient’s explicit request

Medical decision at the end of life in which the medical doctor reports that: - the patient’s death resulted from a treatment prescribed or administered by her/him or a colleague with the explicit...


Satellite account for culture and media 2018

Besides the contribution of culture and media to the Dutch economy and the different good, services and branches of industry playing a part here, the cultural and media goods and services are grouped...


Internationalisation Monitor 2022, first quarter – The Eurozone

How has the Netherlands' international trade with the euro zone developed since the introduction of the euro, compared to before and compared to (similar) other countries and territories? How is the...


Most asylum seekers come from Iraq and Somalia

Last year, nearly 15 thousand first-time requests for asylum were submitted in the Netherlands, an increase by 11 percent relative to 2008. More than half of asylum seekers came from Iraq or Somalia.


No increase asylum seekers from Arab countries to the Netherlands

Political and social upheaval in the Arab region have lead to 7.6 thousand asylum applications in the first four months of this year in the countries of the European Union (EU), nearly twice as many...


Last year's inflow asylum seekers into EU more than 40 percent up from 2013

In 2014, the number of asylum seekers in the European Union increased by more than 40 percent relative to 2013. In the Netherlands, nearly 22 thousand people submitted requests for asylum, more than...


Largest  number of asylum seekers since first half of 2001

The number of asylum requests has grown dramatically in recent months. In the first six months of 2014, twice as many asylum seekers came to the Netherlands as in the same period last year. In fact,...


Fewer asylum seekers in 2011

Last year, 11.6 thousand people submitted requests for asylum in the Netherlands, 13 percent fewer than in 2010.


Considerable increase asylum seekers from Syria and Somalia

Last year, 14.4 thousand asylum seekers came to the Netherlands, nearly 5 thousand more than in 2012. Among the asylum seekers arriving in the Netherlands in 2013 were more Syrians and Somali women...


Inflation rate on Bonaire -3.2 percent in Q1 2021

In Q1 2021, consumer goods and services on Bonaire were 3.2 percent cheaper than one year previously. The inflation rate was still -5.2 percent in Q4 2020.


Adding bio-based products and materials to statistical classifications

Descriptions of processes for proposing new codes to the PRODCOM, CN and NACE classifications at European level. Recommendations are provided based on interviews with experts.


Twice as many asylum seekers and following family members in 2015 as in 2014

In 2015 a total of 56.9 thousand asylum seekers and following family members applying to be reunited with their families were registered in the Netherlands.


Population growth halved in 2020

In 2020 – the year of coronavirus – the population of the Netherlands grew less rapidly than in previous years.


Fewer asylum seekers in 2010

Last year, 13.3 thousand asylum applications were submitted in the Netherlands, i.e. a decline by 11 percent relative to 2009. The top 3 of countries of origin of asylum seekers has not changed...


Status holders overrepresented in job-oriented practical training

Of all 12 to 17-year-old asylum status holders who received a residence permit in 2014, 15 percent were enrolled in labour-oriented practical training (PRO, praktijkonderwijs) on 1 October 2018.
