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2519 results for European identity
2519 results for European identity

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20 million air passengers in second quarter, up 6 percent

Almost 20 million air passengers passed through the Netherlands’ five major airports in Q2 2024.


Provincial finances from 1900

Realised figures on revenues, expenditures and debts of provinces. Provincial levies


Unfilled vacancies; SIC 2008, Provinces

Unfilled vacancies By SIC2008 and region


Economic contraction 0.2 percent in Q3 2023

According to the first quarterly estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on the basis of currently available data, in Q3 2023 gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.2 percent relative...


Well-being ‘later’: social capital

Well-being ‘later’: social capital reflects the quality of social bonds within society. Trust and strong social relationships are crucial to a well-functioning society and economy.


Gross fixed capital formation in tangible assets; volume figures

Fixed capital formation in tangible assets Year on year volume changes


Comparing imports based on microdata with FIGARO, 2020

This publication considers imports by each Dutch industry from each industry in several countries and compares results obtained using microdata with data in FIGARO, a Eurostat dataset, for 2020.



Few statistical offices were as advanced as CBS. Only Denmark and Finland conducted their censuses in the same way, using registers. Unique for the Netherlands was that it used survey data to fill...


Timeline 125 years of population censuses

One of the most fascinating and longstanding CBS statistics is the population census of the Netherlands.


Well-being ‘later’: natural capital

Natural capital relates to services that the natural environment provides to the economy, such as raw materials and recreation.


Turnover accommodation and food services sector up by over 8 percent in Q1

Turnover in the accommodation and food services sector was up by 8.1 percent in Q1 2024, year on year.


Producer confidence; sentiment indicator manufacturing industry, branches

Producer confidence and components activity, order books, stocks and branches


Manufacturing; stocks of finished goods, 2021=100

Index figures and changes of stocks of finished goods in manufacturing Periods


Employed labour force; economic activity

Employed labour force Sex, characteristics, economic activities


Deaths; underlying cause of death (shortlist), sex, age

Deaths among the Dutch population by main primary causes of death, age (at time of death) and sex


Services producer price index (SPPI); index 2015=100, 2002-2023

price indices commercial services, different branches such as transport and storage, IT and architecture


Livestock on agricultural holdings: reference date 1 April and 1 December

Livestock on agricultural holdings with a Standard Ouptut >= 3000 euro, grazing livestock and housed animals at 1 April and 1 December


Inflation rate down to 3.0 percent in August

The consumer price index (CPI) was 3 percent higher in August than in the same month last year.


CBS switches to new method for measuring business confidence

From July 2023, CBS will use a new method to measure business confidence based on the results of the Netherlands Business Survey (COEN).


Diminishing gains in labour productivity over past 50 years

Gains in labour productivity have slowed down in recent years compared to previous decades.


Inflation down to -0.4% in October; 5.1% excluding energy

The inflation rate stood at -0.4 percent in October.


Producer Price Index; output prices by economic activity SIC 2008, 2021=100

Price Index numbers (excluding excise) by sales (domestic and foreign) According to activity nomenclature SIC 2008


Gross fixed capital formation in tangible assets; volume figures

Fixed capital formation in tangible assets Year on year volume changes


Dutch economy shows faster pandemic recovery than neighbouring countries

On balance, the Dutch economy recovered more rapidly from the coronavirus crisis in 2021.
