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512 results for Belgium
512 results for Belgium

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Nearly half a million Dutch live elsewhere in Europe

Many Dutch people make use of the right of free movement of persons within Europe: at the start of 2011 nearly half a million Dutch people were living in other European countries. Belgium in...


Less beer exported in 2017

Beer production rose and beer exports declined in 2017.


Household consumption down in the Netherlands, up in adjacent countries

The sustained downturn in household consumption in the Netherlands in recent years has frustrated economic growth. Households cut back on spending because their incomes do not allow them to spend...


Netherlands second largest cabotage haulier in the European Union

Cabotage hauliers carried 77 million tons of goods in the European Union (EU) in 2009. Dutch hauliers accounted for 13 million tons.


Half of goods from Rotterdam have foreign destination

In 2017, 917 million tonnes of goods were loaded onto inland vessels, lorries or trains in the Netherlands. Nearly one-quarter were transhipped in the Rotterdam port area. Over half of these...


Electricity balance sheet; supply and consumption 1919-2018

Central and decentral production, imports, exports, consumption, via national and industrial grids, grid losses.


Dutch retailers lag behind other European shopkeepers

Dutch retail trade is lagging behind retail trade in other countries in Europe. Its volume increase of 1.0 percent is below the EU average of 2 percent. In only eight of the other 27 EU countries was...


Monitoring major enterprises within Europe

The LCU team is currently taking part in a Eurostat project that allows sharing of the related knowledge and expertise among the statistical offices in the ESS member states.


Agricultural export value over 90 bn euros in 2018

Agricultural exports in 2018 were worth an estimated 90.3 billion euros, i.e. 0.2 percent up on 2017. While exports rose, prices dropped relative to 2017.


Over 80% decline in butterflies since late 1800s

Between 1890 and 2017, butterfly populations in the Netherlands declined by at least 84 percent; 15 species have disappeared completely.


Germans spent 5 bn euros in the Netherlands in 2015

German day trippers spent 2.4 bn euros in the Netherlands in 2015.


Exports to UK account for 3 percent of GDP

Last year, the Netherlands earned over 20 billion euros on exports to the United Kingdom


Modest share exports to large emerging markets

In 2012, the Dutch share of exports of goods to large emerging markets like China, India, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia was relatively modest compared to Germany and Belgium. Within the EU 28, the...


Investing abroad and trade relationships

Over half of enterprises outside the service sector with stakes in a foreign business in 2014 also maintained a trade relationship with the country where that business is located.


Number of school dropouts down in the Netherlands and the EU

The school dropout rate in the Netherlands was reduced in recent years to 8.8 percent in 2012. The rate across the EU was also gradually reduced.
