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2648 results for traffic and transport
2648 results for traffic and transport

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more bankruptcies in March, mainly due to extra court session day

According to Statistics Netherlands, 614 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) were declared bankrupt in March this year, i.e. 134 more than in the preceding month.


Dutch inflation slightly up

In April 2010, Dutch inflation was 1.1 percent, i.e. 0.1 of a percent point up on March.


Tourism sector mainly grows through foreign tourists

The contribution of the tourism sector to Dutch GDP rose from 3.2 percent in 2010 to 3.6 percent in 2013 according to the latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands today. The tourism sector...


Expenditure on foreign policy dramatically down

Last year, government expenditure on foreign policy amounted to 16 billion euro, a decrease by more than 9 percent relative to 2008. The decrease is mainly due to one-off, lower contributions to the...


Investments in the Netherlands dramatically down since 2008

Statistics Netherlands announced today that investments have seriously fallen behind in the Netherlands in the past years. Another factor that plays a part in this respect is that Dutch companies...


Exports nearly back at level of twelve months previously

The volume of goods exports was 2 percent smaller in November 2009 than twelve months previously. In October, the decrease was 6 percent. The reason the decrease was smaller in November is that the...


Exports nearly back at level of twelve months previously

The volume of goods exports was 2 percent smaller in November 2009 than twelve months previously. In October, the decrease was 6 percent. The reason the decrease was smaller in November is that the...


Inflation rate marginally up

Dutch inflation stood at 2.5 percent in January 2012, i.e. 0.1 percentage points up on December 2011.The marginal increase is mainly due to changes in petrol, natural gas and electricity prices.


Marginal growth exports

The volume of exports of goods was 0.7 percent up in May from May 2012. In April, exports were 2.2 percent down from one year previously. The volume of imports declined by 1.0 percent in May compared...


Narrowing gap between number of facilities available in urban and rural areas

In 2009, the number of facilities per 100 thousand residents in the Netherlands had increased by 4 percent relative to 2005. In urban areas, the increase was more than 6 percent.


Dutch inflation remains stable

Dutch inflation was 2.3 percent in September, just as in July and August. Prices for air tickets had an upward effect on inflation in September, but prices for new cars had a downward effect. On...


Inflation rate marginally up

Dutch inflation stood at 2.5 percent in January 2012, i.e. 0.1 percentage points up on December 2011.The marginal increase is mainly due to changes in petrol, natural gas and electricity prices....


Exports in decline

The volume of exports of goods was 2.3 percent down in April from April 2012. A decline in this order of magnitude has not occurred since October 2011. The volume of imports remained stable in April...


Slight consumption increase in 2004

The volume of domestic household consumption in 2004 increased by 0.4 percent, whereas consumption volume in 2003 fell by 0.9 percent. This means that household consumption in 2004 recovered slightly...


Manufacturing output over 5 percent up in December

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 5.2 percent up in December 2017.


CBS Urban Data Centre Eindhoven bearing fruit

The results of the cluster analysis will help Eindhoven municipality formulate more targeted policies for the different target groups


Slightly fewer bankruptcies in January

Slightly fewer bankruptcies in January.


Share of Dutch exports in world market rising again

The Dutch export share in world trade grew in 2016 and 2017 after a decline following the credit crisis.


Exports to US in decline

The value of exports to the United States (US) declined last year, mainly caused by sluggish exports of petroleum derivatives and lower export prices.


employment further down

The loss of employee jobs continued in the first quarter of this year;32 thousand jobs of employees were lost relative to the fourth quarter of 2013. After a modest loss by 4 thousand in the fourth...


bankruptcies fall to 6.5-year low

According to Statistics Netherlands, 370 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) were declared bankrupt in May this year, i.e. 84 down from the preceding month.


Second estimate Dutch second quarter economic growth: small upward adjustment

The Dutch economy shrank by 0.4 percent in the second quarter of 2012 compared with the same period last year. This second estimate is 0.1 of a percent point higher than the first estimate published...
