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2415 results for health insurance
2415 results for health insurance

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Diabetics are often older, overweight males

Last year, 4 percent of people in the Netherlands were diabetic patients. Among them are more older, male and overweight people than among non-diabetics.


More than one in three employees prepared to work until the age of 65

By the end of last year, more than one third of employees indicated they were ready to work until the age of 65. Considerably fewer people (only 12 percent) were prepared to continue to work beyond...


Average weekly working hours hardly changed in recent years

The employed labour force in the Netherlands comprised nearly 7.4 million people in 2010. On average, they worked 34.4 hours a week versus 36.7 hours in 1996.


900 transsexuals in the Netherlands

On 31 December 2009, there were 900 transsexuals in the Netherlands; 850 of them were included in the 15-65 age category (potential labour force).


Employed labour force is ageing

The average age in the employed labour force has risen further in 2011 to just over 41 versus 36 in the early 1990s. Men in their fifties for the first time outnumbered men in their thirties.


University bachelors graduating more quickly

The share of university students receiving a bachelor’s degree within four years has risen in the last few years.


De Monitor Brede Welvaart

Het cijfer over de economische groei zegt niet alles over hoe we er voor staan in Nederland. Daarom heeft het CBS op verzoek van de Tweede Kamer de Monitor Brede Welvaart ontwikkeld. CBS-onderzoeker...


Dutch Caribbean population exceeds 21 thousand

The Dutch Caribbean population comprises more than 21 thousand people, i.e. 15.7 thousand on Bonaire, 3.6 thousand on St Eustatius and 1.8 thousand on Saba.


Unemployed people over 45 have trouble finding a new job

173 thousand of the 512 thousand people who were unemployed in the third quarter of 2012 were over 45 years old. Their number has grown fast since 2008.


Increase in temporary contracts with prospect of permanent appointment

More and more employees in the Netherlands have a temporary employment contract that offers the likelihood of a permanent appointment. Most of them are younger employees


Collectively negotiated wage increase highest since the end of 2009

In the first quarter of this year, collectively negotiated (CAO) wages increased by 1.8 percent. The wage increase is the highest since the end of 2009, but is still far below the level of inflation.


Wo bachelors require more time than hbo bachelors

In the Netherlands, students can obtain a bachelor’s degree in higher vocational education (hbo) and university (wo). Hbo students have one year extra to obtain their bachelor’s degree than...


Economic growth at 2.7 percent in the third quarter of 2006

The Dutch economy saw a 2.7 percent growth in the third quarter van 2006.


CBS Urban Data Centres: local policy insights

CBS Urban Data Centres: local policy insights


Continuing decline in mortality from acute heart infarcts

In 2014, over 139 thousand people deceased in the Netherlands. The number of deaths from an acute heart infarct in the Netherlands has been declining steadily since the 1970s, a trend which continued...



About a quarter of pupils who leave school without a diploma returned to school in later years; some of them will therefore attain a basic qualification as yet.


The Dutch economy 2013

Today Statistics Netherlands publishes De Nederlandseeconomie2013.


Modest economic contraction

The Dutch economy contracted 0.1 percent in the first quarter of 2013 relative to the fourth quarter of 2012.


Lower gains in life expectancy here and in the EU

Both in the Netherlands and in the EU, the increase in life expectancy is slowing down compared to previous periods. The largest increase was between 2003 and 2008. The Netherlands saw a relatively...
