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5160 results for economic geographic areas
5160 results for economic geographic areas

Page 89 of 207

Most people have their GP close by

Most people live in the vicinity of their GP, but the road distance to the nearest out-of-hours GP centre is longer, in particular for people living in rural areas. The GP rate in rural areas is much...


Manufacturing output 1.3 percent down in February

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 1.3 percent down in February 2020 compared to the same month one year previously.


Farmland birds

The Farmland Bird Indicator (FBI) has declined by approximately 30 percent since 2000


Potatoes: smallest crop for ten years

The production of potatoes was substantially lower last year than in 2002. The total potato crop was 6.5 billion kilos in 2003, one eighth lower than in 2002. Arable farmers lifted less than 41...


Romanians have smallest dwelling space

Romanians have the smallest dwelling space with one room per persoon. Dutch dwellings have 1.9 rooms p.p.


Most nuisance caused by loitering teens

One in ten Dutch people indicated they are bothered by loitering teens, drunks and/or other forms of social nuisance in their neighbourhood. Loitering teens were seen as the greatest nuisance,...


Butterfly population in steep decline

The butterfly population in the Netherlands declined further in 2012 and has currently reached the lowest level of the past twenty years


Wine imports 4 percent up in 2010

Last year, 415 million litres of wine were imported, an increase by 4 percent from 2009. Wine imports from the United Kingdom (UK), Italy, Chile and Spain increased noticeably, while the largest...


CBS, Eindhoven launch first CBS Urban Data Center

On 22 September 2016 CBS and the city of Eindhoven launched the Urban Data Center/Eindhoven


Multicultural neighbourhoods most positive about police performance

Residents of multicultural neighbourhoods are relatively positive about police performance.


Statistics Netherlands, city of Eindhoven join forces to launch first CBS Urban Data Center

CBS and the city of Eindhoven have embarked on a unique joint project


Research on social networks in the city

research work on social networks in the city, family networks, influence of urban environments on life cycles


Where will we live in 2025?

Over the next two decades the number of inhabitants in the Netherlands is expected to increase by 600 thousand, bringing the total to 16.9 million. The growth areas will be primarily in the provinces...


CBS experiments with agricultural sensor data

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is continuously innovating, also in the field of business data collection. We are permanently on the look-out for new data sources and alternative ways of collecting...


Population decrease in one quarter of Dutch municipalities

In some parts of the Netherlands, especially in the periphery of the country, the population will decrease substantially in the next thirty years. In one quarter of Dutch municipalities the number of...


Teenage population will fall in next 10 years, but rise in Randstad

According to Statistics Netherlands’ population forecast, the number of teenagers in the Netherlands will decrease by 160 thousand in the next ten years. This would mean that just under 1.9 million...
