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3201 results for wedding day
3201 results for wedding day

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Considerable growth retail turnover

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that retail turnover was 4.3 percent up in September from September 2014. The growth is partly due to a more favourable shopping-day pattern. The volume (of...


Dutch economy grows by 2.8 percent in the second quarter of 2006

In the second quarter of 2006, economic growth in the Netherlands reached 2.8 percent.


Invest.climate; macroeconomic conditions international comparison 1990-2012

Inflation, long-term interest rate, gross government debt, imports and exports related to GDP and container transport broken down by country


GDP growth rate 0.4 percent in Q3 2017

Gross domestic product (GDP) posted a growth rate of 0.4 percent in Q3 2017 relative to Q2


Statutory Industrial Organization

Administrative Tribunal for Trade and Industry Statutory industrial organizations and disciplinary decisions


Dutch National Travel survey

Dutch National Travel survey Survey summary: samples and registrations


Investments over 6 percent up in July

CBS reports that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 6.2 percent up in July.


Modest growth for exports

The volume of exports of goods was 1.2 percent up in April 2014 from April 2013. In the first months of 2014, the foreign demand for natural gas was considerably lower than twelve months previously,...


Exports down

The volume of exports of goods was 3.1 percent down in May 2014 from May 2013. This is the largest decrease in the last four and a half years. In the months prior to the decrease in May, exports had...


Statistics Netherlands invests in Spark to process big data

Over the next few months, Statistics Netherlands will invest in a new computer system: Spark


modest economic growth in eurozone

According to figures released by Eurostat on Friday, the economies in the eurozone and the EU grew by 0.2 and 0.3 percent respectively in the third quarter compared with the previous quarter....


Economic growth slowing down

According to a first estimate released by Statistics Netherlands, economic growth was 2.8 percent in the second quarter of 2008 relative to the same period last year.


Dutch economy rallies slightly in third quarter 2009

The Dutch economy shrank by 3.7 percent in the third quarter of 2009 compared with the same quarter last year. This decrease is considerably smaller than the decrease in the first half of the year....


Dutch economy shrinks by 5.1 percent in second quarter 2009

The Dutch economy shrank by 5.1 percent in the second quarter of 2009 compared with the same quarter last year.


Health accounts; providers and financing, 2005-2013

Health Accounts; providers and financing, with link to Dutch Health and Social Care Accounts


GDP growth rate 0.5 in Q1 2018

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), GDP showed 0.5 percent growth in Q1 2018.


Economic growth 2.5 percent in first quarter

Dutch economic growth was 2.5 percent in the first quarter of 2007 compared with the same quarter last year.


Second quarter economic growth adjusted to 3.0 percent

Figures from Statistics Netherlands put Dutch economic growth at 3.0 percent in the second quarter of 2008 compared with the same period last year.


One fifth fewer bankruptcies in 2014

According to Statistics Netherlands, 520 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) were declared bankrupt in December 2014, i.e. 32 more than in November. The increase was caused by...


Third quarter economic growth unchanged at 1.8 percent

Figures from Statistics Netherlands put Dutch economic growth at 1.8 percent in the third quarter of 2008 compared with twelve months previously. This is the lowest growth rate since the beginning of...


Investments over 6 percent up in June

CBS reports that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 6.2 percent up in June.


Prices of healthier foods rise faster

Prices of healthier food products have risen faster than those of unhealthier food products.


Quarterly National Accounts; changes 1988 - q1 2014

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value,volume and price changes


Manufacturing output almost 3 percent up in September

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 2.9 percent up in September compared to the same month last year.
