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2381 results for master's programme
2381 results for master's programme

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Exports down

The volume of exports of goods was 2.8 percent down in May 2014 from May 2013. A decline of this magnitude has not occurred in the past four and a half years. In the months prior to the decline in...


More trust and participation

In the last decade participation and trust in Dutch society have gone up slightly. This is shown by the increase in the social contacts citizens have with family, friends and acquaintances, among...


Integration framework

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) follows the Europeasn definition of an enterprise.


Average costs per capita covered by basic health care insurance 2,100 euro

The average costs per capita covered by the basic health care insurance policy were 2,100 euro in 2010. The average costs were higher for women than for men. More than half concerned costs for...


Inflation rate rises to 1.6 percent in April

The consumer price index (CPI) rose to 1.6 percent in April.


Holidays to Paris at lowest level in 10 years

In holiday year 2016, the number of holidays spent in Paris by Dutch tourists was at its lowest level in ten years.


Substantial price increase on Saba

In Q4 2017, consumer prices on Saba were 2.5 percent up over one year previously.


New fire services statistic based on 112 alarm centre

The statistic is no longer based on survey data from questionnaires but on records from the 112 emergency alarm centre


Dutch inflation down slightly

As reported today by Statistics Netherlands, Dutch inflation according to the consumer price index (CPI) fell to 1.0 per cent in June. Consumer prices went up by 1.1 percent in May. Inflation rates...


Private sector more cautious about investing in knowledge and know-how

Due to the economic crisis, the Dutch private sector invested less in knowledge and know-how in 2009 than in 2008. Although the economy showed signs of recovery in 2010, investments in knowledge and...


Inflation rate down on Bonaire and Saba, up on St Eustatius

Bonaire’s inflation rate over the fourth quarter of 2013 was 1.2 percent, i.e. considerably below the level recorded in the third quarter.


Inflation rate marginally up to 1 percent

In August, the inflation rate rose to 1 percent. In July, the rate stood at 0.9 percent.


Stocks of fish

As a result of catch limits set by the European Union, important fish stocks for consumption in the North Sea


Microdata: Conducting your own research

Your own research using CBS microdata


CBS introducing a voice assistant tool

Our information searching behaviour on the Internet is intensifying. We used to just type a question into a search engine, but this has become more and more obsolete


Baby boomers: ripples of a birth wave

Some 2.4 million babies were born in the Netherlands in the period 1946–1955. Although births also peaked in other countries in western Europe after the war, until the mid 1950s the Dutch birth rate...


Number of crime victims stable, more cases of vandalism

Last year, the Dutch population aged 15 years and older faced 6.3 million offences, an increase by 0.4 million relative to the preceding year.


Business demography according to the European standard

Business demography according to the European standard


More deaths in winter

So far, this winter (2017/’18) has seen fewer deaths than the same period last year.


New steps in big data for traffic and transport statistics

CBS now makes statistics about road traffic intensities purely on the basis of road sensors


Purchasing power erodes further in 2013

The purchasing power of the Dutch population was reduced by 1.1 percent in 2013. Purchasing power fell for the fourth year in a row, consistent with the economic recession and climbing unemployment...
