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2518 results for European identity
2518 results for European identity

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Third of Polish workers still here after 5 years

In 2011, 63 thousand Poles migrated to the Netherlands to work here, 5 years 20 thousand had remained.


A greening economy, but not in all areas

The Dutch economy is growing increasingly green. Companies are implementing cleaner production processes and are using relatively fewer raw materials.


Rijks Data Science Programme kicks off

Article about the official launch of the ‘Rijks Data Science Programme’,


Imports/exports; value, price and volume, index 2000 =100, 1990 - 2013

Imports and exports of goods, total. Index figures, base year 2000 = 100 and changes.


National Accounts 2009; Output, consumption, income

Output, intermediate consumption, gross value added By industries and sector


International trade in goods statistics

These figures provide an overview of the Netherlands’ goods trade with other countries. They are of great importance for determining gross domestic product (GDP).


More family migrants in work

In 2015 there were over 60 thousand family migrants of whom half were from EU countries. Of those aged 20 and up, 40% were in work one year after their arrival. This was still 37% in 2005.


Growing trade deficits in the Caribbean Netherlands

In 2017, the trade deficits of Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba were higher than in 2016.


Trade deficit up on Bonaire, down on Saba and Statia

In 2016, the trade deficit on Bonaire grew for the second consecutive year.


Dutch chocolate exports spreading

The Netherlands exported domestically produced chocolate and semi-finished products worth 2.8 bn euros in 2015.


Saba population has grown slightly

Saba's population grew by 6 percent between 2011 and 2015 to 1.9 thousand residents.


EU countries buying more clothing from Asia

EU-28 imports of clothing in 2015 amounted to 81 billion euros, with over 77 percent made in Asia.


Mining and quarrying; employment and finance, SIC'93, 2006 - 2008

Persons employed, costs and revenues, turnover and other financial result Branches (SIC'93) mining and quarrying


Bumper strawberry crop in 2014

Last year, 54 million kg of strawberries were harvested last year, a new record and an increase by 3 million kg relative to 2013. Most strawberries are grown in greenhouses and polytunnels. Nearly 60...


Dutch exports to Greece slowly recover after substantial dip

Dutch goods exports to Greece are slowly picking up after a substantial dip in the early years of the recession. Greek exports have grown more rapidly over the past seven years than Dutch exports.


investments down for the second month in a row

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the volume of investment in tangible fixed assets was 2.8 percent lower in December 2014 than in December 2013. The decrease is mainly caused by lower...


Traffic death toll substantially down in 2013

Today, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment have released figures on traffic mortality. Last year, 570 people died in traffic accidents in the...


Breast cancer mortality further down

Breast cancer mortality declined further in 2007. For the first time, breast cancer claimed fewer victims among women than lung cancer.


The Netherlands and the Kyoto target

The Netherlands has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 4 percent a year in the period 2008-2010 relative to the Kyoto base year, whereas the target is 6 percent. So emissions have to...


Statistics Netherlands opts for international definitions of unemployment and inflation

Statistics Netherlands will use the definition of the International Labour Organisation as its main indicator of unemployment as of 2015 and the international Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices...
