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3201 results for wedding day
3201 results for wedding day

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More bankruptcies in March

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the number of company bankruptcies has risen marginally.


Smart Services Campus Heerlen: breeding ground for new productivity and innovations

Monday 12 September marked the launch of the Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen


investment up, particularly in property, infrastructure and machines

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the volume of investment in tangible fixed assets was 14.3 percent higher in March 2015 than in March 2014.


Dutch exports more than 4 percent up

The volume of exports of goods grew by more than 4 percent in November relative to twelve months previously. In October, the growth figure was more than 5 percent. The volume of imports grew by...


Economy grows by 0.1 percent

Taking into account the working-day pattern and seasonal effects, the Dutch economy grew 0.1 percent in the third quarter of 2013 compared to the second quarter. The volume of gross domestic product...


Modest growth for Dutch exports

The volume of exports of goods grew by 2.5 percent in August compared with twelve months previously. This increase is larger than in July, but smaller than in June. The volume of imports grew by 3...


Holidays 2007: more often and further away

In 2007, the Dutch spent 22.4 million long holidays in the Netherlands and abroad, three times as many as in 1969. Compared to 1969, the Dutch more often go on holiday.


Highest retail turnover growth for three years

Dutch retailers realised 4.6 more turnover in November 2005 than in November 2004. This is the largest increase since October 2002. The volume of retail turnover was 5.2 percent larger than one year...


Modest turnover growth for retail trade

In January 2008, retail trade turnover grew by 3.3 percent relative to one year previously. The increase is equally attributable to higher prices and the larger turnover volume.


Sustained exports growth

In July, the volume of goods exports was up by nearly 13 percent on twelve months previously. This is the same increase as in June. For the first time the volume of exported goods was considerably...


Growth rate exports remains high

In August 2010, the volume of goods exports was nearly 15 percent up on twelve months previously, as against more than 12 percent in July compared to July 2009.


Exports growth slows down further

The volume of exports of goods increased by more than 1 percent in September from twelve months previously. In July, the growth rate still was nearly 5 percent, in August more than 3 percent. The...


Household consumption dramatically down

Household spending on goods and services was 3.0 percent down in November 2012 from November 2011, the most substantial decline in more than three years.


Rate of return large companies deteriorating

In the course of 2008, the rate of return of leading non-financial companies has deteriorated. It is also more difficult for them to finance their activities.


Sizeable increase retail turnover

Retail turnover improved 6.0 percent in March 2007 relative to the same period last year.


Export value substantially higher

In August 2005 the value of the export of goods van goods was 14 percent higher than in August 2004, reaching 22.3 billion euro.


higher investments, particularly in property and lorries

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 2.2 percent higher in February 2015 than in February 2014.


Retail sales marginally lower

Dutch retail sales were nearly 1 percent lower in July 2011 than in July 2010.


Economy in decline

Taking into account the working-day pattern and the effects of seasonal variation,the Dutch economy contracted by 0.2 percent in the second quarter of 2013 compared to the first quarter of 2013.


Consumption down in January

The volume of domestic consumption by households in the Netherlands was 0.4 percent smaller in January 2005 than twelve months previously. After corrections for price changes, consumers spent 1.0...


Retail turnover down again

Dutch retail turnover was 8.5 percent lower in November 2003 than in the same month in 2002. Retail turnover has been decreasing since March 2003 when compared with twelve months previously. Average...


Exports up

The volume of exports of goods was 1.9 percent higher in February 2014 than in February 2013. In January, the volume of exports fell marginally (0.4 percent). The volume of imports of goods grew by...
