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3085 results for foreign employees
3085 results for foreign employees

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What is my spendable income?

A household’s spendable income is the net annual amount it has available to spend. In general terms, it is gross income minus premiums and taxes.


Wellbeing; safety, 2003-2010

Happiness, satisfaction with life, Feelings of unsafety


Sharp growth Dutch economy in first quarter 2011

According to the flash estimate, the Dutch economy grew by 3.2 percent in the first quarter of this year relative to the same quarter in 2010. This growth figure is the highest recorded in the last...


Slowdown in job losses

In the third quarter of 2004 there were 109 thousand employee jobs less than in the third quarter of 2003. In the second quarter of 2004 the number of job losses was 119 thousand.


More trips to and from the UK by Dutch lorries

In 2017, European lorries drove in and out of the United Kingdom almost 3.5 million times. 237 thousand such journeys were made by Dutch lorries, an increase of 1.8 percent on 2016. This is reported...


SDG 10.1 Social cohesion and inequality

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10 Reduced inequalities: social cohesion and inequality. SDG 10.1 addresses social cohesion, inclusiveness and equality. Social cohesion is...


Tourism sector increasingly important

The tourism sector is becoming ever more important to the Dutch economy.


Job losses come to a halt

There were about the same number of jobs in the second quarter of 2005 as in the first. The seasonally adjusted figure shows an increase of 4 thousand jobs of employees.


Fewer than ten women a year die during pregnancy or childbirth

For women in the Netherlands, the risk of dying during pregnancy or childbirth has decreased more than tenfold since the middle of the twentieth century. The largest decrease was in the period...


Economic situation virtually unchanged

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has hardly changed in August compared to the previous month.


Domestic consumption by households

All expenditure by households in the Netherlands, at trade, or directly at the producer plus the expenditure through non-profit institutions for households.


Dutch people do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and fish

The Dutch do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and fish. About a quarter of the population meets the doses recommended by the Dutch Health council. People with foreign backgrounds meet the standards...


Economic situation improves further

The economic situation improved further in February; all indicators perform above the level of their long-term trend.


Slowdown population growth in 2012

Nearly 16.8 million people were living in the Netherlands on 1 January 2013, an increase by 48 thousand relative to one year previously. On balance, 13 thousand people from abroad settled in the...


Vacancies; government and education 1992-2009

Vacancies, new vacancies and filled vacancies for eight government sectors and a total



A job is an explicit or implicit employment contract between a person and an economic unit which specifies that labour will be carried out in return for (financial) remuneration.


Dutch economy shrinks by 0.6 percent in fourth quarter of 2008

The Dutch economy shrank by 0.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 compared with the same quarter in the previous year.


Fewer job losses

In the fourth quarter of 2004 there were 92 thousand jobs of employees less than in the fourth quarter van 2003. This brought job losses down to under 100 thousand for the first time in a year. The...


Producer Prices (2000 = 100) by SBI '93

Price index number including and excluding excise According to activity nomenclature SBI'93


Unemployment further down in September

Unemployment has fallen for the fifth consecutive month in September.


Unemployment almost unchanged

According to figures released today, 630 thousand people in the Netherlands were unemployed in November.


Manufacturing output almost 3 percent up in September

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 2.9 percent up in September compared to the same month last year.
