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3201 results for wedding day
3201 results for wedding day

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Households spend less on goods and services

Household spending on goods and services was 1.5 percent down in July 2012 from July 2011.The decline is more substantial than in June. This was partly due to a change in tax legislation effective...


Turnover loss retail sector

The retail sector faced more than 4 percent turnover loss in December 2012 relative to December 2011. Retail prices were nearly 3 percent up, whereas the volume of retail sales was down by almost 7...


Slump in private sector investments

The volume of private sector investments in tangible fixed assets was 15.2 percent down in June 2013 from June 2012. The decline is more substantial than in April and May.


Household consumption in decline

Household spending on goods and services in October 2011 was 1.4 percent down on October 2010.


Decline household consumption slightly less substantial

Household spending on goods and services in December 2011 was 1.3 percent down on twelve months previously. The decline is slightly less substantial than in the preceding months.


Zero growth for household consumption in September

Household spending on goods and services was at the same level in September 2012 as in September 2011. In the preceding 13 months, consumption decreased.


Turnover growth retail slackening

Turnover growth in retail trade was 2.3 percent in the second quarter of 2008 relative to the same period last year. This is the lowest growth rate since the fourth quarter of 2005.


Export downturn less dramatic

In May 2009, the volume of goods exports was over 10 percent down on twelve months previously. This decline is slightly smaller than in the first four months of 2009, when the volume of exports was...


Exports slightly up

The volume of exports of goods increased by more than 1 percent in November relative to twelve months previously. In October, exports shrunk for the first time in nearly two years. The volume of...


Decline manufacturing turnover far less substantial

Manufacturing turnover was almost 3 percent lower in November than one year previously. The downturn was far less substantial than in October, when turnover was still 17 percent down on October 2008.


Consumption almost unchanged in June

In June 2005 households consumed about the same as the year before. The volume of domestic consumption was up by 0.1 percent on June 2004.


Economic growth at 2.7 percent in the third quarter of 2006

The Dutch economy saw a 2.7 percent growth in the third quarter van 2006.


Stable turnover in the manufacturing industry despite lower production

According to the latest figures, the turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry in December 2003 was virtually the same as in December 2002. Production was down by 3 percent on December 2002.


investments down for the second month in a row

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the volume of investment in tangible fixed assets was 2.8 percent lower in December 2014 than in December 2013. The decrease is mainly caused by lower...


Average weekly working hours hardly changed in recent years

The employed labour force in the Netherlands comprised nearly 7.4 million people in 2010. On average, they worked 34.4 hours a week versus 36.7 hours in 1996.


Physical limitations prevent over-75s from leaving the house

On an average day in 2010, nearly half of over-75s were housebound. Physical limitations in particular prevented them from leaving the house.


Value of imports increases by 20 percent

The value of international trade in goods rose sharply in the first month of 2006. Imports went up by 20 percent, exports by 15 percent, compared to January 2005. This was partly the effect of higher...


Sharp growth turnover construction sector in first three quarters of 2008

Total construction turnover over the first three quarters of 2008 increased by 11 percent relative to the same period last year.
