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2651 results for traffic and transport
2651 results for traffic and transport

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Investments up in January

Investments up in January.


Fewer jobs

In the second quarter of this year, 55 thousand jobs of employees (a decline by 0.7 percent) were lost relative to the second quarter of 2011. Employment was down in many sectors relative to one year...


Marginally lower turnover manufacturing industry

Dutch manufacturers faced a 0.4 percent turnover loss in July 2012 relative to July 2011. Sales on the domestic market declined slightly, whereas turnover on the foreign market was marginally higher...


Substantial decline manufacturing output

The average daily production realised by Dutch manufacturing industry was 5.3 percent down in March 2013 from March 2012. The decline was much more substantial than in February, when manufacturing...


Food prices continue to rise

Since several months, food prices are rising again after a year of sometimes sharp price falls.


Modest recovery manufacturing output

In July, the average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry was 10 percent down on July 2008. The decrease was somewhat smaller than in the six preceding months. Industrial output has declined...


Manufacturing turnover growing by 16 percent

Manufacturers realised an 16 percent turnover increase in November 2010 compared to the same month in 2009. This growth rate is much higher than in October, when turnover increased by 11 percent.


Manufacturing turnover up

Dutch manufacturers realised a turnover growth of 16 percent in August 2011 relative to August 2010.


Modest recovery manufacturing output

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 8 percent down in August on August 2008. The decrease was somewhat smaller than in preceding months. Manufacturing output compared...


Unprecedented growth manufacturing turnover

Dutch manufacturers realised a turnover growth by more than 23 percent in February 2011 relative to the same month in 2010.


Modest job growth

In the fourth quarter of 2011, the number of jobs of employees was 34 thousand up from the fourth quarter of 2010, an increase by 0.4 percent.


Decrease in manufacturing output far less substantial

The average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry was 2 percent down in November 2009 on November 2008. The downturn is far less substantial than in October, when output was still 7 percent...


Number of jobs up by 28 thousand

In the third quarter of 2011, the number of jobs of employees was 28 thousand higher than in the same quarter of 2010, an increase by 0.3 percent.


Employment marginally down

The number of employee jobs declined by 8 thousand (0.1 percent) in the fourth quarter of 2013 relative to the third quarter.


highest export growth in four years

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the volume of exports of goods was 10.2 percent up in January 2015 from January 2014. This was the highest growth since 2011.


Modest employment growth

In the second quarter of this year, the number of employee jobs was 51 thousand (0.6 percent) up on the same period in 2010. After correction for seasonal variation, the number of jobs increased by...


Output growth manufacturing industry slows down

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was more than 1 percent higher in August 2011 than in August 2010.


Manufacturing turnover 19 percent up

Manufacturing turnover was 19 percent up in April 2010 on April 2009, as against 16 percent in March 2010 relative to March 2009


Manufacturing output 7 percent up

The average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry was 7 percent higher in June than one year previously.


Municipalities budget 2.6 billion euro for individual care

Dutch municipalities expect to spend nearly 2.6 billion euro on home help and provisions for individual mobility covered by the Social Support Act (Wmo).
