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3085 results for foreign employees
3085 results for foreign employees

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More people defaulting on health insurance payments

At the end of 2008, 280 thousand people in the Netherlands were defaulting on the payment of their health insurance premiums.


Institutional investors; short-term and long-term investments 1950-2016

Investments by type of investment. Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Money flows in health care and revenues of financing schemes

The survey provides a description of the origin of the expenditure on healthcare. Two questions are central: 1. Where do the cash flows originate? 2. What is the nature of the money flows?


Internationalisation Monitor 2018, second quarter

In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor, we focus on the relationship between internationalisation and employment.


Population growth rate major cities above average

The population in Dutch cities has grown notably in recent years. The population growth rate is particularly high in the three major cities in the Netherlands.


Economic situation unchanged

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has not changed in September compared to the previous month.


Producer confidence increases

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers has increased in November 2018.


Institutional investors; property, changes 1999 - 2014

Institutional investors; property; changes. Purchases; Sales; Other changes.


Caribbean Netherlands; vacation and sport, personal characteristics

vacation, sport sex, age , educational level


Economy 0.7 percent in decline

According to the first, provisional estimate, the Dutch economy declined by 0.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2011 relative to the same period in 2010.


Substantial job increase in first quarter 2006

In the first quarter of 2006 there were 35 thousand more jobs than in the last quarter of 2005.


Statistics International trade in goods by change of ownership and border crossing

Statistics International trade in goods by change of ownership and border crossing


Investment climate; entrepreneurship international comparison 1990-2012

Entrepreneurship, firm turbulence, fast growing enterprises, propensity towards entrepreneurship and self - employment rate broken down by region


Agricultural export value over 90 bn euros in 2018

Agricultural exports in 2018 were worth an estimated 90.3 billion euros, i.e. 0.2 percent up on 2017. While exports rose, prices dropped relative to 2017.


Many businesses in Limburg engaged in international trade

In relative terms, Limburg is the most internationally-oriented province of the Netherlands.


Hospitality students go abroad most often

Nearly one-quarter of higher education graduates went abroad for their education, mainly those in hospitality.


Statistics Netherlands finalises complex legal files during EU Presidency

On 30 June 2016, the Netherlands’ Presidency of the European Union came to an end.


Population growth halved in 2004

The Netherlands had a population of 16.3 million on 1 January 2005. In 2004 the population increased by just 34 thousand. In 2003 the increase was twice as high. Such a low growth rate has not been...


Guests in hotels; by country of residence and region '98-'11

Guests in hotels; by country of residence and region Provinces, tourist regions, 4 important cities, and with/without stars


Over 600 billion kg of inbound goods in 2017

In 2017, the Netherlands received in excess of 600 billion kg of goods in gross weight for the first time.


Manufacturing output prices almost 5 percent up

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were almost 5 percent up in September 2018 year-on-year.
