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12876 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12876 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Water Accounts for the Netherlands

Compilation of Physical Supply and Use tables, Asset Accounts and Policy Indicators for Water 2018-2020


Fewer immigrant arrivals in 2023, particularly refugees from Ukraine

A total of 336 thousand immigrants arrived in the Netherlands in 2023, 68 thousand fewer than in 2022.


Distribution of well-being: society

The theme society comprises indicators on participation and trust, two fundaments of social cohesion. Trust is important for people individually, but also for social fabric as a whole. At the...


Electrification in the Netherlands 2017–2021

This note aims to provide data that may help to quantify electrification in the Netherlands from 2017 - 2021 for the most releant technologies currently being used: heat pumps and electric cars


Caribbean Netherlands, population per neighbourhood, 1 January 2022

This publication contains table information on the population of the Caribbean Netherlands per island and neighbourhood, by sex and age group.


Inflation in the Caribbean Netherlands further up

In Q3 2022, consumer goods and services on Bonaire were 12.2 percent more expensive than one year previously.


Presentation The Caribbean Netherlands in numbers 2022

Presentation of The Caribbean Netherlands in Numbers 2022. It offers an overview of the latest figures on the economy and society in the Caribbean Netherlands.


The Caribbean Netherlands in Numbers 2022

The Caribbean Netherlands in numbers, 2022 is a compact and colourful book with new and updated information about many different aspects of life in the Caribbean Netherlands.


Energy consumption of selected office buildings, Netherlands, 2019

Energy consumption rates of selected office buildings in 2019. These selected office buildings can be monitored over time to monitor trends in energy consumption.


More strikes but fewer strikers in 2022

In 2022, there were altogether 33 labour strikes in the Netherlands, up from 22 strikes in 2021. However, last year’s strikes involved fewer workers, which resulted in fewer working days lost: 39...


International cooperation high on the agenda at CBS

In June of this year, Director General Ms Angelique Berg of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) was appointed vice-chair of the Bureau of the OECD Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy, also known...


CBS develops Green Deal dashboard to monitor climate change

In 2019, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal.


34 percent more Belgian enterprises in the Netherlands

In a span of five years, the number of Belgian-owned multinationals in the Netherlands has grown from 1,138 in 2015 to 1,528 in 2020. Over the same period, the contribution of Belgian-owned firms to...


Economic picture more negative

The economic picture was more negative in August than it was in July.


Population forecast, Caribbean Netherlands 2022-2050

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has compiled a new population forecast based on recent data for the municipalities of the Caribbean Netherlands. This paper outlines the most important findings and...


Economic picture remains equally negative

The economic climate remains equally negative


The story

A brief explanation of why CBS compiles the Monitor of Well-being and the SDGs, what well-being is and how well-being is measured.


CBS Chief Data Officer plays a key role in the responsible use of data

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has recently appointed its first Chief Data Officer.


Economic picture deteriorates further

The economic climate in April 2024 is more negative than it was in March.


Economic picture remains negative

The economic climate remains negative


Today’s well-being increasingly comes at the expense of future generations

The Netherlands remains a prosperous country and a relatively cohesive society.


Well-being of young adults trailing behind other age groups

People under the age of 35 experience lower levels of well-being than older people in the Netherlands.


More status holders in paid employment

In 2022, the number of status holders in paid work increased compared to the previous year.


Fixed capital formation; type of capital good, region, National Accounts

Fixed capital formation by type of capital good Dwellings, non-residential buildings, civil engineering works, machinery
