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331 results for hospital admissions
331 results for hospital admissions

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Plug-in hybrid most popular type of electric car

Early 2016 the number of plug-in hybrids had doubled relative to 2015.


Growing number of over-45s involved in debt restructuring procedures

More and more individuals aged 45 and older are involved in debt restructuring procedures, whereas the number of under-45s involved in debt restructuring procedures is declining. Divorce and loss of...


CPI all households (elaborate)

Consumer price indices all households. Index figures Consumer goods


Substantive preparation

The second step to ensure you can work with CBS microdata consists of three parts


Hay fever season arriving early this year

In 2019, people suffering from hay fever have bought their pollen allergy medication relatively early in the year.


More girls than boys exceeding expected school level

In 2017/’18, more girls than boys in the third year of secondary education were studying at a higher level than recommended by their primary school. This applied to all students who did not fall...


Particulate matter emissions by agriculture

Between 2000 and 2016, emissions of particulate matter (PM10) by the agricultural sector increased by 3 percent. In this period, the value added of agriculture increased by 19 percent.


Health care institutions, 2006-2014

Publication of national statistics on income statements


Particulate matter emissions caused by business activity

Between 2000 and 2016, emissions of particulate matter (PM10) caused by Dutch business activity fell by more than 41 percent, while GDP increased.


Health care institutions (from 2015)

Publication of national statistics on income statements


Health expenditure; providers, financing, internat. comparisons, 2005-2016

Health Accounts; providers and financing, with link to Dutch Health and Social Care Accounts


Sharp drop in first year teacher training students

There has been a 20 percent drop in students entering teacher training at the hbo level over the last five years. Particularly the interest in training to become an elementary school teacher has...


Prices day trips substantially up

Prices of day trips have risen by a quarter over the period July 2009-July 2014. Entrance fees for cinemas, theatres, zoos and amusement parks, but transport costs too, have risen considerably....


Spending on disablement assistance for young people up

Spending on disablement assistence for young people (Wajong) have been rising in recent years. In 2003 spending amounted to nearly 1.3 billion euro, while in 2008 this had increased to nearly 1.9...


Personnel in six sectors of government

Employees by contractual salary and age The breakdown refers to six public sectors


One in five primary school teachers are over 55

The teaching workforce in primary education is currently ageing. In the 2003/’04 school year, 11 percent of primary teachers were 55 years of age or over, as against 21 percent in 2017/’18.


Care spending up by 5.1 percent

In 2007, total spending on care, i.e. health care plus welfare services, amounted to 74 billion euro, a 5.1 percent increase relative to 2006.


Workforce composition differs between care sectors

According to Statistics Netherlands’ new statistics on care institutions, the composition of the workforce in care differs between the various care sectors.


Average costs per capita covered by basic health care insurance 2,100 euro

The average costs per capita covered by the basic health care insurance policy were 2,100 euro in 2010. The average costs were higher for women than for men. More than half concerned costs for...


Care spending up by 4.4 percent

Spending on health care and welfare in the Netherlands amounted to 65.7 billion euro in 2006. This is 4.4 percent more than in 2005.


Mothers with non-western background closing maternity care gap

Nearly all women who give birth in the Netherlands make use of maternity care. However, relatively fewer women with a non-western background than native Dutch women do so. The share of women with a...


More turnover and more profit in Dutch health care institutions

The turnover of health care institutions increased greatly in 2009, as it had in 2008, despite the recession in the Netherlands. Profits also rose substantially.


growth care expenditure at lowest level in 15 years

Last year, total spending on care rose by 1.6 percent, i.e. less than in prior years. This is partly due to the fact that the growth in medicine consumption slowed down and the average price level of...
