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331 results for China
331 results for China

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Export value of goods reaches record high in 2005

With a value of 281 billion euro, Dutch exports of goods were 10 percent higher than in 2004. The import value of goods increased by 9 percent in 2005 to 249 billion euro.


Turnover dairy wholesalers exceeds 12 billion euros

Wholesale traders in dairy products like cheese, milk and eggs generated in excess of 12 billion euros, i.e. 7 percent more than in 2012. The most important export products are cheese and powdered...


Imports and exports 10 percent up in 2004

In 2004 the value of imported and exported goods was 10 percent up on 2003. The value of imports reached 228.0 billion euro, exports 257.8 billion euro. The effect of slightly higher import and...


Investing abroad and trade relationships

Over half of enterprises outside the service sector with stakes in a foreign business in 2014 also maintained a trade relationship with the country where that business is located.


Population and population dynamics by month; 1995-2018

Monthly statistics, size of the Dutch population and births, deaths, external migration, marriages, divorces and requests for asylum,


Imports up in July 2005

20.2 billion euro worth of goods were imported into the Netherlands in July 2005.


Huge amount of cold-stored and deep-frozen products shipped in containers

Nearly 24 thousand containers (half a million tons of goods) with cold-stored and deep-frozen products are transported overseas to the Netherlands every month.


smartphone increasingly important import product

In the period 2007 - October 2014, the share of imported mobile phones and smartphones in total imports more than doubled to 2 percent.


Across the world more men than women smoke

In nearly all countries of the world, more men than women smoke. Also, the percentage of people who smoke daily decreased nearly everywhere between 1999 and 2009.


Imports and exports grow by 15 percent

In February 2006, the value of international trade in goods was again considerably higher than in the same month one year previously. Imports and exports were 15 percent up on February 2005.


International trade up in March

The value of imports and exports of goods in March 2004 was substantially higher than in March 2003. Imports reached 19.2 billion euro, up 5 percent on March 2003. Exports reached 22.1 billion euro,...


One in ten large companies relocate activities abroad

Ten percent of large companies in the Netherlands moved business activities to another country in the period 2009-2011. Lower wage costs were an important factor in this respect


Germany accounts for 30 percent of Dutch steel exports

Germany is the largest market for Dutch steel exports.


Italy fifth export destination for the Netherlands

Dutch exports to and imports from Italy in international goods trade, 2016.
