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3201 results for wedding day
3201 results for wedding day

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Household consumption growth remains modest

Household spending on goods and services was 0.3 percent higher in May 2011 than in May 2010, approximately the same as in the four preceding months.


Retail turnover down by 5 percent in January

In January, Dutch retailers faced a 5 percent loss of turnover compared to January 2009.


Household consumption down in June

Household spending on goods and services was 0.9 percent lower in June 2011 than in June 2010. This was the first decrease in well over a year.


Retail sector performs well

Retail turnover was more than 4 percent higher in November 2010 than in November 2009, the most substantial growth in two years.


Domestic consumption growth slows down due to mild weather conditions

Dutch households spent 2.3 percent less on goods and services in March 2014 than in March 2013. Households used far less natural gas in the first months of 2014 than in the same period in 2013 due to...


Household spending continuously in decline

Household spending on goods and services was 1.8 percent down in May 2013 from May 2012. Consumer spending has been in an almost continuous decline for two years now.


Retail turnover 2 percent up

Dutch retailers booked 2.3 percent more turnover in January this year than in the same month last year.


Turnover loss retail sector

The retail sector faced a 0.4 percent turnover loss in January 2013 relative to January 2012. Retail prices were 2.6 percent up, whereas the volume of retail sales was down by 3.0 percent.


Retail sector faces turnover loss

The retail sector faced 4.7 percent turnover loss in February 2013 relative to February 2012. Retail prices were 2.6 percent up, whereas the volume of retail sales was down by 7.1 percent.


Marginal growth exports

In October 2013, the volume of exports of goods was 0.6 percent up from twelve months previously. In September, the volume of exports had been marginally down. The volume of imports fell by 0.4...


Household consumption further in decline

Household spending on goods and services in September 2011 was 2.0 percent down on September 2010.


Number of bankruptcies in 2018 lowest of this century

Over the entire year 2018, a total of 3,144 bankruptcies were pronounced. This represents a year-on-year decrease of 4.5 percent.


Growth GDP 0.8 percent in Q3 2016

Growth GDP 0.8 percent in Q3 2016


Exports marginally down

In October 2013, the volume of exports of goods was 0.4 percent down from twelve months previously. In September, the volume of exports had shrunk by 0.8 percent. The volume of imports fell...


Turnover growth retail slackening

Turnover growth in retail trade was 2.3 percent in the second quarter of 2008 relative to the same period last year. This is the lowest growth rate since the fourth quarter of 2005.
