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2651 results for traffic and transport
2651 results for traffic and transport

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Producer confidence hardly changes

Confidence stood at 5.7 in September, down from 5.9 in August.


Bankruptcies by company characteristics and province, 1993-2011

Bankruptcies by region and company characteristics: legal form, number of employees, life time, main activity, regions



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 11-15 Jan. 2010 (Week 2).


Manufacturing output over 3 percent up in May

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 3.2 percent up in May compared to the same month last year.


Manufacturing output 3 percent up

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 3 percent higher in May 2011 than in May 2010.


Manufacturing output down slightly

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry dropped by 0.6 percent in August 2012 compared to August 2011. Output had also decreased in the two preceding months.


Manufacturing output 5 percent higher

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 5 percent higher in November 2010 than in November 2009. The output growth was equal to October. Although manufacturing output in each...


Manufacturing turnover growth 12 percent

Manufacturers realised a 12 percent turnover increase in July 2010 compared to the same month in 2009. The increase is less substantial than in the preceding months. During the past months,...


Manufacturing output 3 percent up

The average daily output generated in Dutch manufacturing industry was more than 3 percent higher in March 2011 than in March 2010.


Energy prices 9 percent up

The average Dutch household spent 156 euro on gas and electricity in January 2012, i.e. 13 euro more than one year previously.


Manufacturing turnover up 16 percent

Manufacturing turnover was 16 percent up in May 2010 on May 2009, as against 18 percent in April 2010 on April 2009.


Manufacturing sales 13 percent up

Dutch manufacturers realised a turnover growth of 13 percent in April 2011 relative to April 2010. The growth rate was less substantial than in February and March. Turnover growth was almost entirely...


Lowest level bankruptcies of this century

The number of corporate bankruptcies has decreased to the lowest level of the century.


Environmental Goods and Services Sector; NACE 1995-2010

Environmental sector to economic industry and per environmental domain such as protection of water, air and management of natural resources.


Producer Prices; SBI 2008, sales, index 2005 = 100, 1981-2012

Price index number (excluding excise), by sales (domestic and foreign) According to activity nomenclature SBI2008


Manufacturing output invariably low

In June, the average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry was 13 percent down on June 2008. The decrease was more or less the same as in the six preceding months


Manufacturing turnover more than 17 percent up

Dutch manufacturers realised a turnover growth of 17 percent in March 2011 relative to the same month in 2010.


Manufacturing output invariably low

In May 2009, the average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry was 13 percent down on May 2008. The decrease was more or less the same as in the five preceding months
