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3085 results for foreign employees
3085 results for foreign employees

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Record immigration and emigration in 2017

Record number of immigrants (235 thousand) and emigrants (154 thousand) in 2017, highest net migration (81 thousand).


Terms of trade in goods, index 2010=100; 1995-2018

Terms of trade, import price and export price of goods Indexfigures, base year 2010=100 and changes


Carbon footprint

The amount of carbon dioxide emitted globally for consumption purposes in the Netherlands, the so-called carbon footprint, fell by almost 18 percent between 2008 and 2016.


Largest trade surplus construction services with Asia

The largest trade surplus for Dutch construction services is with the Asian continent


Manufacturing output over 3 percent up in October

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 34 percent up in October compared to the same month last year.


Manufacturing output prices almost 3 percent up

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were almost 3 percent up in November 2018 year-on-year.


Integration framework

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) follows the Europeasn definition of an enterprise.


Business demography according to the European standard

Business demography according to the European standard


Second estimate Statistics Netherlands: Economic growth marginally adjusted downwards

On the basis of additional information, the second estimate shows that the Dutch economy grew 0.1 percent in the third quarter of 2014 relative to the second quarter.


Vacancies; SIC`93, private firms, 1997-2009

Vacancies, new vacancies, filled vacancies; SIC 1993 and size of enterprises


Innovation in small businesses

Innovation article on measuriing innovation in small businesses


Sharp growth social assistance benefits granted to over-65s

At the end of June this year, 40 thousand social assistance benefits went to over-65 households, i.e. twice as many as a decade ago. The reason for the increase is that more and more over-65...


Labour force according to the internat. def. broken down by sex, 2000-2006

Labour force; international definition classification level occupation by sex and personal characteristics


Sector accounts; financial balance sheets and transactions 1990 - q4 2013

Financial balance sheets and transactions by economic sectors Sectors, balance sheets, assets and liabilities


Dutch manufacturers less positive

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers has declined in January 2019.


GDP grows 0.6 percent in Q4 2016

GDP grows 0.6 percent in Q4 2016.


SDG 16.2 Institutions

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions: institutions. SDG 16 relates to institutions such as the House of Representatives, police, judicial system...


Institutional investors; short-term and long-term investments 1950-2016

Investments by type of investment. Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Poverty continues to rise in 2005, and falls subsequently

In 2004, 10.3 percent of Dutch households had to get by on a low income. This means that poverty increased further in 2004, just as in 2003.


Smartphone most imported high-tech product

The Netherlands imported more than 15 billion euros worth of smartphones in 2016.


Dutch economic growth sliding

Tthe Dutch economy grew by 1.1 percent in the third quarter of 2011 compared with same quarter last year.
