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3357 results for nature value
3357 results for nature value

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consumer spending marginally up, consumer confidence hardly changes

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, household spending on goods and services was 0.5 percent  up in December 2014 from December 2013.


Asylum requests for the Netherlands; by country of citizenship, 2007-2011

Requests for asylum by sex and age By country of citizenship


Only small part of Dutch exports go to eurozone countries with largest deficits

In 2009, less than 6 percent of Dutch exports went to Ireland, Greece, Spain and Portugal. These are the four countries with the largest government deficits in the eurozone.


Exports up again

The volume of exports of goods was 1.9 percent up in June 2014 from June 2013, after a 3.0 percent drop in May. The volume of imported goods was 1.9 percent down from twelve months previously. The...


Imports of new cars and light motor vehicles; index 2010=100, 2005 - 2017

Importers of new cars. Turnover: index 2010 = 100, change.


Exports shrinking

The volume of exports of goods was nearly 2 percent smaller in October than twelve months previously.


Dutch exports more than 5 percent up

The volume of exports of goods grew more than 5 percent in January relative to twelve months previously. Exports growth was slightly higher than in the fourth quarter of 2012.


Growth rate exports slightly up again

In October 2010, the volume of goods exports was up by just over 10 percent on October 2009, a slightly higher growth rate than in September.


Over-60s more often have interest-only mortgages

In 2012, over-60s much more often than younger home owners had interest-only mortgages. More than one third of home owners aged 60 years and older have paid off their mortgage.


Nutrient surplus in agriculture

Output and value added in Dutch agriculture have increased in recent years, while the surplus of nitrogen and phosphorus has decreased.


Japan lags behind in growth of Dutch exports to Asia

Japan has dropped four places on the list of main top Asian markets for Dutch-manufactured goods since 2002. That year, Japan was still the largest Asian market, but by 2010 it ranked third, dropping...


International trade substantially higher

The value of the imports and exports of goods in August was substantially higher than in August 2003. Imports went up by 20 percent reaching 18.2 billion euro, while exports rose by 18 percent,...


Economic situation more or less stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation at the end of May was about the same as at the end of April. The economic situation is still fragile, the...


Population growth 46 thousand in 2007

On 1 January 2008, the Dutch population totalled 16.4 millon.


Second quarter economic growth slightly higher than previously estimated

Figures put Dutch economic growth at 2.6 percent in the second quarter of 2007 compared with the same quarter last year.
