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3118 results for measuring economy
3118 results for measuring economy

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Business confidence lower in Q1

At the start of 2019, business confidence stands at 10.6, almost 3 points down on the previous quarter but still well above the long-term average.


Dutch inflation down slightly

As reported today by Statistics Netherlands, Dutch inflation according to the consumer price index (CPI) fell to 1.0 per cent in June. Consumer prices went up by 1.1 percent in May. Inflation rates...


Economic picture unchanged

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in May is the same as in the previous month.


Operational management 2016

Budget cuts at Statistics Netherlands: state of play


Increased cultivation of protein crops

The agricultural area utilised for the cultivation of protein crops in the Netherlands stood at 9 thousand hectares in 2018,, an increase of 38 percent relative to 2008 (5.6 hectares).


One quarter of private sector investments in foreign hands

Foreign companies accounted for nearly one quarter of private sector investments in the Dutch economy in 2010. French companies account for the largest foreign share.


Economic situation virtually unchanged

The economic situation at the end of January 2012 was about the same as at the end of December 2011. Improvements and downswings more or less balanced each other out. The heart of the scatter in the...


Economic situation unchanged

The economic situation at the end of April was about the same as it was at the end of March. Most indicators in the Business Cycle Tracer are still in the recession stage. Fourteen of the fifteen...


Dutch private sector average performer in R&D in Europe

Only a small number of people in the Dutch labour force are engaged in R&D activities. The private sector spent 49 thousand labour years (1.1 percent) on R&D in 2007, thus approximating the European...


Economic situation slightly better

The economic situation was slightly better at the end of December than at the end of November.


Over 600 billion kg of inbound goods in 2017

In 2017, the Netherlands received in excess of 600 billion kg of goods in gross weight for the first time.


Naturalisation gives migrants more opportunities

how naturalisation affects someone’s chances of getting a job, their income level, and home ownership.


Long-term unemployment down

Unemployment has fallen dramatically in recent years. Initially, only among short-term unemployed, but in 2007 the reduction among long-term unemployed was more substantial than among short-term...


Sustained economic contraction

Taking into account the working-day pattern and the effects of seasonal variation,the Dutch economy shrank by 0.1 percent in the first quarter of 2013 compared to the fourth quarter of 2012.This was...


Manufacturing industry hit hard by economic recession

The economic recession has hit the European manufacturing industry particularly hard. In the Netherlands, however, the manufacturing sector has suffered less than average.
