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2381 results for master's programme
2381 results for master's programme

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Kingfisher threatened by winter cold

Ice in winter has far-reaching consequences for the kingfisher population. Ice is in fact the kingfisher’s worst enemy, because, if ditches, pools and lakes are covered with ice, it cannot catch fish.


Exports growth slows down further

The volume of exports of goods increased by more than 2 percent in May from twelve months previously, the lowest exports growth rate in almost a year and a half.


Unemployment further up

According to the latest figures, seasonally adjusted unemployment climbed further to 510 thousand in July 2012, i.e. 6.5 percent of the labour force.


Inflation rate considerably down

The Dutch inflation rate over November stood at 2.3 percent, 0.5 percentage points down on October. For the third month running, inflation declined relative to the previous month.


Economic situation slightly better

The economic situation at the end October was slightly better than at the end of September. This is mainly due to the fact that orders received and producer’s confidence have increased.


Clothes and shoes sales plunge in second quarter

Clothes anClothes and shoes sales plummeted in the second quarter of 2012 relative to the same period last year. Turnover realised by clothes and shoe shops also dropped dramatically.d shoes sales...


Dutch exports growth up

The volume of exports of goods grew by 6 percent in October relative to twelve months previously. The growth figure for exports is higher than in the four preceding months. The volume of imports grew...


Substantial exports growth

The volume of exports of goods increased by nearly 9 percent in May relative to twelve months previously. The growth rates of Dutch exports in April and March were nearly 6 and over 3 percent...


Dutch exports grow slightly

The volume of the exports of goods grew by more than 1 percent in July relative to twelve months previously. In May and June, Dutch exports had increased by 9 percent and 5 percent respectively.The...


Inflation rate marginally up

Dutch inflation stood at 2.5 percent in January 2012, i.e. 0.1 percentage points up on December 2011.The marginal increase is mainly due to changes in petrol, natural gas and electricity prices.


Exports growth more substantial

The volume of exports of goods increased by 6 percent in April relative to twelve months previously. The growth rates of Dutch exports in February and March were 2 and more than 3 percent...


Housing costs of households; household, dwelling characteristics, '09-'15

housing costs characteristics household, characteristics dwelling


Number of endangered fauna and flora species not rising

Almost 40 percent of fauna and flora species in the Netherlands are threatened with extinction.


Childhood cancer mortality further down

In 2016, 61 children under the age of 15 died of cancer. Fifty years ago, this number was over four times as high.


CBS and Venlo have launched Urban Data Centre

CBS and the city of Venlo are collaborating in the collection of regional and local data.


Spending up in European webshops

Online purchases by Dutch consumers in foreign EU webshops, big data research


100 thousand adults with morbid obesity

One percent of the Dutch population aged 20 years or older are morbidly obese.


St Eustatius has highest income level in the Caribbean Netherlands

With 26 thousand dollars, the highest median disposable income in the Caribbean Netherlands in 2013 was surveyed on St Eustatius, followed by Saba and Bonaire (both 23 thousand dollars). St Eustatius...


Inflation remains low

Today, Statistics Netherlands announced that the Dutch inflation rate was 0.8 percent in May. After going up in April, the rate is now back at the level of March. Cheaper holidays and food products...


non-food shops account for better results retail sector

According to data released today by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), retail turnover was 0.3 percent down in the first quarter of 2014 from one year previously, i.e. the smallest negative...


Sustained turnover growth non-food sector

The non-food sector generated a turnover growth of 1.4 percent in August 2014 relative to August 2013, despite the fact that August 2014 had one shopping-day less.
