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2661 results for corporate social responsibility
2661 results for corporate social responsibility

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Migration Zeeland 1998-2008 (Dutch only)

The Zeeland Institute for Social Cultural Development (SCOOP) requested the Centre for Policy Related Statistics (CBS-CvB) to compile a set of tables of people moving to and from towns and villages...


Wages in kind

The value of all goods and services supplied by employers to employees.


Vacancy rate

The number of vacancies as a percentage of the number of employee jobs.


Paid labour

Labour carried out for remuneration in the form of money or in kind.


Employees' insurance

Insurance for employees, that is people with an employment contract.


Disablement benefits

Benefits paid periodically on the basis of disablement legislation.


Dependent labour force

The section of the labour force pertaining to people working in paid employment.


Minimum wage

The legal minimum on 1 January for the wage of a fulltime employee.


Dutch satisfied, but large contrasts between groups

Even in times of economic recession, most Dutch people are satisfied with many aspects that determine quality of life.


Wages for time not worked

Wages paid for hours of leave, holidays and short absences.



Hours worked extra over and above the normal working hours and fully paid.


Pension supplement

Benefits paid by pension funds and annuities received by life insurance companies


Side job

A job that is not the main job of someone who has several jobs.


Trends in Nederland 2018

Wat in 1924 begon als een onmisbaar naslagwerk, het Statistisch Zakboek, is uitgegroeid tot de informatieve webpublicatie Trends in Nederland. Editie 2018 bevat weer een bloemlezing van de...


Characteristics of employees not registered in the Netherlands and resident in, born in, or national of Germany or Belgium, 2012 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on persons not registered as resident in the Netherlands who work in the Netherlands, and are resident in, were born in, or have the nationality of Germany or Belgium, December...


Trend follower

Employee who is not a civil servant but whose salary is linked to civil servants’ salaries.


Labour relationship

The distinction between jobs with a fixed contract and jobs where the contract is flexible.


Reduced working hours

A reduction of working hours based on the Buitengewoon Besluit Arbeidsverhoudingen 1945 art 8.1.



Abbreviation of the Dutch law: Compulsory health insurance act (ZFW).


Mothers working or claiming benefit (Dutch only)

At the request of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW), the Centre for Policy Related Statistics has calculated figures on mothers by whether they had a job or were claiming benefit...


Contractual working hours

The annual working hours of fulltime employees as specified in the collective labour agreement.


Concurrence of regulations and provisions within the municipalities of Stichtse Vecht and Weesp, 2012 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on the concurrence of various regulations and provisions in the field of social security, health care and welfare, and education in 2012 in the municipalities of Stichtse Vecht and...


Sickness absence rate

The ratio between the number of cases of sick leave and the number of employees.


Hourly wages of employees (Dutch only)

At the request of the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, Statistics Netherlands’ Centre for Policy Related Statistics has compiled custom-made tables on average hourly wages rates of...


Mothers working or claiming benefit 2009 (Dutch only)

At the request of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW), Statistics Netherlands’ Centre for Policy Related Statistics has calculated figures for 2009 on mothers by whether they had a...
