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3952 results for keyword:business cycle
3952 results for keyword:business cycle

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Terms of trade improved

Dutch terms of trade of imported and exported goods improved in December 2011 compared to December 2010. Prices of exported goods were 2.6 percent higher, prices of imported goods rose by 1.9 percent.


Inflation rate up to 2.5 percent

The inflation rate in the Netherlands rose to 2.5 percent in January. In December, consumer prices were 2.4 percent higher than one year previously.


Inflation rate marginally up

Dutch inflation stood at 2.5 percent in January 2012, i.e. 0.1 percentage points up on December 2011.The marginal increase is mainly due to changes in petrol, natural gas and electricity prices.


Manufacturing output marginally up

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was more than 1 percent up in December 2011 from December 2010. In November, manufacturing output was still 1 percent down on...


Unemployment among people with a western and non-western background marginally up in 2011

According to the latest figures 262 thousand native Dutch, 104 thousand residents with a non-western background and 52 thousand with a western background were seeking employment last year.


Economic situation virtually unchanged

The economic situation at the end of January 2012 was about the same as at the end of December 2011. Improvements and downswings more or less balanced each other out. The heart of the scatter in the...


Exports slightly up

The volume of exports of goods increased by nearly 1 percent in November relative to twelve months previously. In October, exports shrunk for the first time in nearly two years. The volume of imports...


Price increase manufacturing industry less substantial

Selling prices in Dutch manufacturing industry were 6 percent higher in December 2011 than in December 2010. The price increases were less substantial than in November, when prices were nearly 8...


Over 9.5 thousand bankruptcies filed in 2011

According to the latest figures 9,531 bankruptcies were filed last year, approximately as many as in 2010.


519 bankruptcies in December

In December 2011, 519 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, a decline by 114 relative to November.


Growth manufacturing stocks remains high

Manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were nearly 12 percent higher in November 2011 than in November 2010. The increase was approximately the same as in October.


Producer confidence hardly changed

The mood among Dutch manufacturers hardly changed in January. The producer confidence indicator stood at – 1.4 versus – 1.3 in December 2011, but there were some underlying changes.


Sustained drop residential property prices

Prices of existing owner-occupied houses were on average 4.0 percent lower in December 2011 than in December 2010.


Consumer spending in decline

Household spending on goods and services in November 2011 was 1.2 percent down on November 2010.


Unemployment almost unchanged

According to the latest figures 456 thousand people in the Netherlands were registered as unemployed (5.8 percent of the labour force) in December last year, as many as in November.


Modest growth private sector investments

In November 2011, private sector investments in tangible fixed assets were 3 percent up on November 2010. The increase was the same as in October.


Unemployment virtually unchanged

Seasonally adjusted unemployment in the Netherlands stood at 456 thousand in December 2011, i.e. approximately the same amount as in November.


Dutch consumer equally apprehensive

The mood among Dutch consumers did not alter in January. The indicator reflecting the mood among consumers remained stable at -37. Consumers were somewhat less negative about their own financial...


Interest rate marginally down

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan, averaged 2.4 percent in December 2011 versus 2.5 percent in November.


Inflation rate down

Dutch inflation stood at 2.4 percent in December, i.e. 0.2 percentage points down on November. This is mainly due to changes in petrol prices and phone rates.


Manufacturing output marginally down

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was more than 1 percent down in November 2011 from November 2010. In October, output still grew by more than 1 percent.


Retail turnover marginally up in November

The most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands show that retail turnover increased by 1.3 percent in November 2011 relative to the same period in the previous year.


Exports slightly up

The volume of exports of goods increased by more than 1 percent in November relative to twelve months previously. In October, exports shrunk for the first time in nearly two years. The volume of...


Terms of trade improved

Dutch terms of trade of imported and exported goods improved in November 2011 compared to November 2010. Prices of exported goods were 3.7 percent higher, prices of imported goods rose by 2.7 percent.
