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2285 results for internet security
2285 results for internet security

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Occupational health

Protecting and improving the health of employees when related to the relationship employees have with their work and working environment.


Degree of organisation (trade union membership rate)

The number of employees who are trade union members, expressed as a percentage of the total number of employees.


Wage restraint

A reduction in the pay increases of contractual wages. The main reason is to use the money saved to create new jobs or limit reductions.


Open-ended labour contract

An employment contract which does not specify a fixed period of time or a final date of employment, except a retirement date.


Contributing family worker

A person who works, not on the basis of a an explicit employment contract, in the company or practice of the partner or parents.


Central court of appeal

Court that decides in first and sometimes sole instance or in administrative appeals in the administrative law section of the court, in certain administrative disputes.



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 19-23 April 2010 (Week 16).


Basic qualification

A diploma at the level of senior general secondary education (havo), pre-university education (vwo), or level-2 of senior secondary vocational education (mbo).


Local units by municipalities, 2006-2010

Number of local units Economic activity (SIC 2008) and municipalities


Unemployment Benefits Act (WW)

The law insures employees against the financial consequences of unemployment. The duration of the WW benefits depends on the employment record.


Joinder ad informandum

Joining one criminal case without charges with another case by the public prosecutor so that the judge can take the two cases into consideration in determining the sentence.


Pre-tax results

The sum of the operating and financial results.


Seasonal correction

The removal of annually recurring patterns from the figures which are normal for a particular time of year.


Temporary guardianship

Measure in which a specialised judge for youth cases provides authority for a minor when the minor is not under parental authority or when this authority is not exercised.


Solved crime

A crime is solved when the police knows who at least one suspect is, even if that suspect is on the run or denies having committed the crime.


Foreign net turnover

Total net turnover from sales to foreign buyers


Labour contract for a fixed period of time

An employment contract which specifies a fixed period of time, either as agreed between employer and employee, or determined by law or by custom.


Settlement by judge

In civil law: final decision, usually by awarding, partly awarding or rejecting the petition or claim. In criminal law: final verdict, i.e. verdict of guilty, acquittal, or another final verdict


Company pension fund

A pension fund linked to a company which accumulates money for the pensions of the people who are or were working in the company.


Trade union

Organisation of employees with the aim to represent the collective and/or individual interests of its members in the face of employers and organisations influencing labour conditions.


Contractual wage costs

The collective labour agreement wage rate including special payments plus the legally and contractually required employee contributions for pensions, early retirement, unemployment, labour disability...


International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) 1988

The International Standard Classification of Occupations revised in 1988 under the supervision of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and introduced in 1990.


Sick leave percentage (private sector)

The number of days of sick leave as a percentage of the number of available working days. Not included is absence after one year of sickness.



Authority over a minor and over the minor’s possessions based on a court decision, given to one parent or to a third party when there is no parental authority over the child.


Minimum wage earner

Employee earning the minimum wage applicable to his/her age or less. For part-time workers the minimum wage is proportional to the number of weekly hours worked.
