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3085 results for foreign employees
3085 results for foreign employees

Page 77 of 124

Personal capital drops sharply

Dutch personal capital was one fifth lower on 1 January 2010 than at the beginning of 2009.


Modest but sustained job growth

The number of jobs of employees in the third quarter of 2010 was 13 thousand (0.2 percent) down on the third quarter of 2009.


Less job security for flex-workers

Employees with a flexible contract have been affected most by the recent downward trend on the labour market.


Economic growth 0.5 percent in Q1 2016

Economic growth 0.5 percent in Q1 2016


Three-quarters of school drop-outs find a job eventually

Fewer early school-leavers find a job in the long run than school-leavers with a basic qualification.


Higher turnover manufacturing industry

In March 2005 turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was again higher than one year previously. Compared to March last year turnover was 3 percent up. Higher selling prices account for the...


Jobs growth up to 110 thousand

In the third quarter of 2006 there were 110 thousand more jobs for employees in the Netherlands than in the same quarter last year.


Private education grows faster than subsidised education

Nearly 1.1 billion euro was spent on private education in the Netherlands in 2006. Spending on private education grew more rapidly than spending on subsidised education.


Unemployment high among flexible workers

In the first quarter of this year, 143 thousand persons who were still employed in the fourth quarter of 2012, lost their jobs. In particular people participating in flexible working hours schemes...


Disposable income falls further

Real disposable income of Dutch households fell by 1.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013. Although real disposable income has been decreasing since the third quarter of 2011, this quarter the...


Second estimate first quarter 2012: Dutch economy shrinks 0.8 percent

The Dutch economy shrank by 0.8 percent in the first quarter of 2012 compared with the same quarter last year. This second estimate of economic growth is 0.3 of a percent point higher than the first...


Turnover accommodation and food services 1.8 percent up

Turnover in the sector accommodation and food services rose by 184 percent in Q4 2018 relative to the preceding quarter.


Collectively negotiated wages increase 2 percent in 2007

The increase in collectively negotiated wages (CAO) was 2.0 percent in 2007. The wage increase is the same as in 2006, although there is a difference.


Jobs up 2.2 percent in first quarter

There were 172 thousand more employees in the Netherlands in the first quarter of 2008 than in the same quarter last year. This 2.2 percent increase is high in a historical perspective, but still...


Collectively negotiated wage rates up 1.3 percent in 2010

Wage rates negotiated under collective labour agreements (cao’s) were 1.3 percent higher in 2010 than in the previous year. This increase is significantly smaller than in 2009, when wages rose...


More cases for administrative law judges in 2011

Administrative law judges in the Netherlands disposed of 5 percent more cases in 2011 than in 2010. In one in five cases the judge awarded in favour of the plaintiff. One in three cases were...


Job growth continues into fourth quarter 2008

The number of jobs of employees grew by 108 thousand in the fourth quarter of last year relative to the same quarter of 2007. Employment also grew relative to the third quarter.


Second estimate fourth quarter 2011: economy shrinks by 0.6 percent

The Dutch economy shrank by 0.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2011 compared with the same period in the previous year. This second estimate of economic growth is 0.1 of a percentage point higher...
