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12347 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands
12347 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands

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House prices over 18 percent higher in October

In October, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 18.3 percent more expensive than in the same month last year. This price increase is almost the same as the one in...


Homicides, 2000 to 2019

This table depicts data on homicides per month over the period 2000 to 2019. Values represent absolute numbers of homicides that occurred in the Netherlands, and include both residents and...


Producer confidence hardly changed in March

In March 2022, the mood among Dutch manufacturers has hardly changed.


Higher mortality in March, no excess deaths

In the last week of March (week 12, 21 to 27 March 2022 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 3,600. This is slightly more than in the previous week (3,567) and approximately 400 more...


610 traffic deaths in 2020

In 2020, traffic accidents killed a total of 610 people in the Netherlands.


National accounts, 2010. Benchmark revision

This publication reports on the 2010 benchmark revision of the Dutch national accounts. This revision was conducted to comply with new international guidelines concerning the compilation of the...


Labour market dashboard

Unemployed, Employed, Vacancies, CLA Wages, Labour market tension and Jobs in The Netherlands.


Exports to the UK generated almost €26 billion in 2020

In 2020 – the year of the coronavirus outbreak – the Netherlands earned 25.6 billion euros from goods and service exports to the UK.


Fewer bankruptcies in June

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has decreased.


Lower mortality in week 23

In week 23 (7 to 13 June 2021 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at slightly over 2,800.


Gross National Income Inventory (ESA 2010), 2010, The Netherlands

Extended methodology benchmark revision 2010 national accounts according ESA 2010


Monetary valuation of ecosystem services for the Netherlands

This report shows the first experimental results for the Netherlands on monetary valuation of ecosystem services and ecosystem assets using the SEEA EEA framework (System of Environmental-Economic...


The SEEA EEA carbon account for the Netherlands

This document reports on the carbon account for the Netherlands, one of the thematic accounts of the SEEA EEA.


Entrepreneurs more optimistic about 2022

Dutch entrepreneurs expect higher investments, more turnover and higher staffing levels in 2022.


Consumer confidence declining again

In March, confidence among Dutch consumers has deteriorated to almost the lowest level ever recorded.


Key indicators by company size in accordance with National Accounts totals, estimate 2013 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on key indicators by company size in accordance with National Accounts totals, estimate 2013. Commissioned by: Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ)


Key indicators by company size 2011 and 2012, in accordance with National Accounts totals 2011 and 2012 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on key indicators by company size for 2011 and 2012, in accordance with National Accounts totals. Commissioned by: Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ)


Excess mortality again in week 22

In week 22 (31 May to 6 June 2021 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at nearly 3,000.


Towards the implementation of a multivariate Benchmark method on Dutch National Accounts

DMK participates in a project, with the aim of implementing a new, efficient method for the benchmarking of National Accounts. Benchmarking is the process to achieve mathematical consistency between...


Inbound and outbound goods transport virtually stable in 2019

In 2019, altogether 629 billion kg of goods arrived in the Netherlands, i.e. 1 percent up on the previous year.


Investment by company size, in accordance with National Accounts totals 2011 and 2012 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on investment in material and immaterial assetsby company size in accordance with National Accounts totals for 2011 and 2012. Commissioned by: Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ)


Unemployment declined further in February

In the period December through February, unemployment declined by an average of 8 thousand per month. This resulted in 336 thousand unemployed in February 2022, i.e. 3.4 percent of the labour force.


Fewer asylum seekers and following relatives in Q2 2020

The international and national measures introduced in March in response to the COVID-19 outbreak have resulted in a lower influx of asylum seekers and following family members.


Dutch goods trade above pre-pandemic level in first half of 2021

In the first six months of 2021, goods exports were up by 42 billion euros relative to one year previously. Goods imports increased by 35 billion euros.
