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3118 results for measuring economy
3118 results for measuring economy

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Economic situation fairly stable

Economic situation fairly stable


Higher CO2 emissions in Q1 2018

In Q1 2018, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were 2.5 percent up year-on-year.


The international road to new forms of data collection

CBS hosted two UNECE workshops in October, on data collection and statistics communication.


Rising imports and exports of construction services

In the first three quarters of 2018, Dutch companies verhandelden met buitenlandse bedrijven voor 4,3 miljard euro aan bouw- en baggerdiensten in de eerste drie kwartalen van 2018.


Consumers less positive

In January, the mood among Dutch consumers is less positive than in December. According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the consumer confidence indicator fell by 2 points to + 4. The downturn is...


Consumer price index households of wage earners (CPI-W), 2000=100

Consumer price indices households of wage earners Index figures. Consumer goods (base year 2000=100)


Fewer compulsory redundancies in 2010

In 2010, 105 thousand people in the Netherlands were made redundant. The number of compulsory redundancies was higher in 2009, at 122 thousand.


Population growth lowest for twenty years

The Dutch population grew by 10 thousand in the first quarter of 2003. This is the lowest growth rate in over twenty years. The low growth was caused by a noticeable drop in the number of births and...


Economic situation virtually unchanged

The economic situation at the end of May was at approximately the same low level as at the end of April. Improvements and deteriorations balanced each other out. The heart of the scatter in the...


The environment

Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of the environment? Clean air, clean water, clean soil, a healthy natural environment and thriving...


Growing export dependence Dutch manufacturing industry

Out of every one euro in revenue by the Dutch manufacturing industry, 70 euro cents are generated by exports.


Economic situation improving steadily

Economic situation improving


Second estimate Dutch second quarter economic growth: small upward adjustment

The Dutch economy shrank by 0.4 percent in the second quarter of 2012 compared with the same period last year. This second estimate is 0.1 of a percent point higher than the first estimate published...


Incomes households and corporate profits up

The real disposable household income rose by 0.4 percent in 2014. After correction for inflation, household incomes improved for the first time since 2011. Today, the average household income is...


Consumers more positive

Dutch consumer confidence was up in March 2006 in comparison to February. Consumers were considerably more positive about the economic climate.


Production-based greenhouse gas emissions

Since 2000, greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by 6 percent (2016), while Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown.


Trends in the Netherlands 2018

Trends in the Netherlands 2018 The year in figures
