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2381 results for master's programme
2381 results for master's programme

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Private sector investments further up

The volume of private sector investments in tangible fixed assets was 5.8 percent up in April 2014 from April 2013. According to Statistics Netherlands, investments continue to grow.


Turnover dairy wholesalers exceeds 12 billion euros

Wholesale traders in dairy products like cheese, milk and eggs generated in excess of 12 billion euros, i.e. 7 percent more than in 2012. The most important export products are cheese and powdered...


Retail turnover remains stable

Turnover generated by the Dutch retail sector was at approximately the same level in February 2014 as in February 2013. Average retail prices were 0.3 percent down from twelve months previously.


Substantial exports growth

The volume of exports of goods was more than 11 percent higher in December 2010 than twelve months previously. In November exports grew by nearly 9 percent.


Decline household consumption less substantial

Domestic household spending on goods and services was 1.0 percent down in December 2012 from December 2011. Household consumption has been continuously down from twelve months previously for eighteen...


Modest growth for Dutch exports

The volume of exports of goods grew by more than 2 percent in August compared with twelve months previously. This increase is larger than in July, but smaller than in June. The volume of imports grew...


Dutch inflation remains stable

Dutch inflation was 2.3 percent in September, just as in July and August. Prices for air tickets had an upward effect on inflation in September, but prices for new cars had a downward effect. On...


Top sectors employ over 1.6 million people

The so-called top sectors include more than 260 thousand businesses. Together, they accounted for more than one third of total output value in 2010. Two thirds of spending on innovation projects by...


Number of income support benefits continues to grow

According to the most recent figures 325 thousand income support benefits were granted to people under the age of 65 by the end of December last year, i.e. an increase by 9 thousand relative to one...


Old people receiving more and more care

The volume of care provided to the elderly is growing faster than the number of patients. As a result, the volume of care per old person is increasing.


Government surplus in first quarter of 2013

In the first quarter of 2013, the Dutch government has realised a surplus, predominantly due to the one-off revenue from the auction of telecom frequencies. The nationalisation of SNS REAAL does not...


Modest exports growth

The volume of goods exports was 2.2 percent lager in August 2013 than in August 2012. This increase is in the same order of magnitude as in the preceding two months.


Amount saved in life course schemes exceeds 5 billion euros

The total amount outstanding in life course savings schemes exceeded 5 billion euros is in 2012. Deposits are lower than last year, withdrawals used to finance a period of unpaid leave are higher...


Dutch among the most positive Europeans

After the Fins, the Swedes and the Danes, the Dutch are Europe’s most optimistic consumers. The relatively high level of consumer confidence in the Netherlands was mainly based on positive...


Retail turnover marginally up

Retail turnover was nearly 1 percent up in August 2012 compared with August 2011. Retail prices were nearly 2 percent higher; the volume of retail sales was more than 1 percent down on twelve months...


Consumer confidence marginally higher

December’s consumer confidence index was marginally up on the previous month and is now, after a minor downturn in November, back at the level of September and October.


Considerable increase car ownership among over-65s

In the period 2000-2009, the number of car owners over the age of 65 has risen considerably. Among over-80s, car ownership even doubled.


Young people less keen to buy a house

Young people’s willingness to buy a house has declined in recent months, but remained fairly stable among middle-aged persons, although lower than before the 2009 economic crisis.


Regional airports benefit from low-cost carriers

The number of passengers departing from and arriving at regional airports has grown substantially. Last year 3.5 million passengers travelled to and from airports in the municipalities of Groningen,...


Moderate growth exports

The volume of exports of goods increased by nearly 5 percent in June from twelve months previously. The growth of the volume of exports has remained fairly stable over the past months. The volume of...


Cultural ecosystem services

These are the nonmaterial benefits people obtain from ecosystems through spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, reflection, recreation and aesthetic experiences


Dutch imports of German wine grow by 13 percent

The Netherlands imported more than 71 million litres of German wine last year, an increase by 13 percent relative to 2007. Since the turn of the century, German wine imports have tripled.


SDG 9.3 Knowledge and innovation

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure: knowledge and innovation. Knowledge is essential for the economy and finding solutions to urgent issues.
