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2009 results for alcohol consumption
2009 results for alcohol consumption

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Natural gas exports reach record level in 2008

Last year, 58.5 billion m3 of natural gas was exported, the largest volume since large deposits of natural gas were discovered near the municipality of Slochteren in the province of Groningen. Gas...


Manufacturers more optimistic

The Dutch manufacturing industry was in a clearly more optimistic mood in May 2004 than in April. Producers’ confidence rose to 1.8, a substantial rise on the April figure of -1.4. This is the...


Russia largest oil supplier for the Netherlands

One third of total Dutch imports of crude oil came from Russia in 2010, followed at a distance by the United Kingdom. Saudi Arabia’s importance has waned in recent years.


Health expenditure; providers, functions, internat. comparisons, 2005-2016

Health accounts; providers and functions, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Fewer loans, higher overdraft

The Dutch population borrowed less in the form of consumer credit in 2005 than in 2004.


GDP growth rate remains 1.5 percent in Q2 2017

GDP showed a 1.5 percent growth in Q2 2017 relative to Q1 2017.


More and more renewable electricity generated by wind turbines

Generation of electricity by wind turbines grew by nearly 20 percent last year. According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS) over half of total renewable electricity in 2015 was generated by wind...


Bumper strawberry crop in 2014

Last year, 54 million kg of strawberries were harvested last year, a new record and an increase by 3 million kg relative to 2013. Most strawberries are grown in greenhouses and polytunnels. Nearly 60...


Economic situation remains unchanged

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in August was about the same as in July. Economic recovery has come to a virtual standstill over the last months.


Less electricity produced

Total electricity production in the Netherlands amounted to 113 billion kWh in 2011. This is 4 percent less than in the previous year. In the four preceding years, electricity production had risen...


Economic situation improves further

The economic situation at the end of November was slightly better than at the end of October. Improvements outnumbered deteriorations. The heart of the scatter in the Business Cycle Tracer moved to...


Surplus of CO2 emission less costly for energy companies

Energy companies generated more electricity in 2009. As a result, CO2 emissions have grown relative to 2008 and to cover the increase, energy companies have to buy extra emission rights.


Prices frequent purchases rise less rapidly than prices infrequent purchases

Prices of frequently bought goods and services have increased less rapidly since July 2013 than prices of goods and services Dutch consumers buy only rarely. In the prior four years the situation was...


Tourist spending up sharply

Dutch and foreign tourists spent a total 35.3 billion euro in the Netherlands in 2007. This is 5.5 percent more than in 2006.


Care spending 3.2 percent up

In 2011, spending on health car and welfare in the Netherlands amounted to 90.0 billion euro. This is 3.2 percent more than in 2010.
