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2651 results for traffic and transport

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Economic situation virtually unchanged

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has hardly changed in August compared to the previous month.


Spending; consumption household, 1995-2019

Changes, indices, shares, value of consumption of households by type of goods and services.


Commercial services

Services provided with the aim to make a profit.


Environm. goods and services sector; industries, ec.indicators, 2001-2012

Environmental sector by economic activity and per environmental domain Environmental protection, Resource management and Economic activity


Environmental Goods and Services Sector; industries, 1995 - 2011

Environmental sector by economic activity and per environmental domain Environmental protection, Resource management and Economic activity


Household consumption over 2 percent up in September

Dutch household consumption was over 2 percent up in September 2018.


Economic situation improves again

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation is improving further in May.


Renewable energy in the Netherlands 2011

The report Renewable energy in the Netherlands 2011 describes the contribution of renewable energy sources to the Dutch energy supply from 1990 to 2011.


Economic situation improves further

The economic situation is improving further in April.


Modest recovery economy in fourth quarter 2009

Dutch economy shrank by 2.2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2009 relative to the same quarter one year previously.


Economic growth of 1.1 percent in 2005

The growth rate of the Dutch economy in 2005 reached 1.1 percent. This is lower than the 1.7 percent growth rate in 2004, but well above the figures for the years 2002-2003.


Dutch economy rallies slightly in third quarter 2009

The Dutch economy shrank by 3.7 percent in the third quarter of 2009 compared with the same quarter last year. This decrease is considerably smaller than the decrease in the first half of the year....


Dutch economy shrinks by 0.6 percent in fourth quarter of 2008

The Dutch economy shrank by 0.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 compared with the same quarter in the previous year.


Third quarter economic growth: 1.4 percent

The Dutch economy saw a growth of 1.4 percent in the third quarter of 2004 compared to the third quarter of 2003. This is the highest growth rate in three years. Employment decreased a little less in...


Again slightly more bankruptcies

The number of corporate bankruptcies has increased slightly in August


Health accounts; providers and functions, 2005-2013

Health accounts; providers and functions, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Sector accounts; seasonally adjusted data, NA, 1999-2017

Transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Non seasonally adjusted and seasonally adjusted figures


Natural gas liquids

Light hydrocarbons derived as by-products from the extraction of natural gas or crude oil. These include ethane, propane, butane and pentane.


ICT use by companies by sector of industry (SIC 2008) and size of company

Internal and external networks, software, ADE, SCM, RFID Sector of Industry (SIC 2008), size of company


Costs of other services

Costs of services provided by others not classified elsewhere.


Lower investments anticipated in manufacturing for 2019

Producers in the manufacturing industry expect to invest 7 percent less in 2019 than in 2018. They also anticipate investments for 2018 to be 44 percent higher than in 2017 by the end of the year.


Natural gas

Gaseous fuel of natural origin mainly consisting of methane.


Health expenditure; providers, financing, internat. comparisons, 2005-2016

Health Accounts; providers and financing, with link to Dutch Health and Social Care Accounts


10% of Dutch agricultural exports destined for UK

A relatively large share (10% in 2016) of Dutch agricultural exports is destined for the UK.


Economic situation improving steadily

Economic situation improving
