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3086 results for foreign employees
3086 results for foreign employees

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Job loss increasing to 119 thousand

In the second quarter of 2004 there were 119 thousand employee jobs less than in the second quarter of 2003. This means job losses increased to 1.6 percent. The private sector had 148 thousand fewer...


Trade with Turkey expanding

Over the past five years, the value of Dutch exports of goods to Turkey has risen by 24 percent to 4.7 billion euros in 2012. Dutch investments in Turkey in fact outstripped the value of exports to...


Four out of five Turks and Moroccans marry within their own circles

In 2010 some 34.5 thousand citizens with a foreign background married in the Netherlands. A quarter of these newly weds had a Turkish or Moroccan background.


Economic growth 0.6 percent in Q2

Economic growth 0.6 percent in Q2


Vacancies; SIC`93; private firms and government sectors, 1997-2009

Unfilled vacancies, new vacancies and filled vacancies by economic activities (SIC 1993), including government


Marginal recovery job growth

In the third quarter of 2010, the number of jobs of employees was 13 thousand down on the same quarter of 2009. Employment decline is gradually slowing down.


Economic recession affects bonuses in 2009

Last year, the average annual wage increase of employees was 2.5 percent relative to 2008.


Newest delivery vans in urban areas

In 2009, 84 percent of the 971 thousand delivery vans in the Netherlands were registered in the name of an enterprise.


Labour participation rate down in 2013

In 2013, nearly 7.3 million Dutch nationals aged 15-64 had paid jobs for twelve hours a week or more, a decline by more than 100 thousand relative to 2012. The net labour participation rate was 66.1...


GDP growth rate 0.6 percent in Q1 2018

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), GDP showed 0.6 percent growth in Q1 2018.


Q4 economic growth 0.3 percent

The Dutch economy grew 0.3 percent in Q4 2015 relative to the previous quarter.


Economic growth 0.1 percent in third quarter of 2015

According to the second estimate on economic growth conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), economic growth in the Netherlands was 0.1 percent in the third quarter of 2015 relative to the second...


Further increase hours worked in temp jobs

Adjusted for seasonal variation, the total amount of hours worked in temp jobs increased by 0.7 percent in the first quarter of 2014 relative to the preceding quarter. The number of hours worked in...


Sombre consumers skimping on hairdressers and beauticians

The Dutch cut back on spending on hairdressers and beauty treatment in 2008. This seems to be connected with the falling consumer confidence.


Self-employed hardly worked less in 2009

Nearly 960 thousand people in the Netherlands were self-employed in 2009, of whom 630 thousand did not employ others. In spite f the economic crisis they hardly worked less last year.


Decline manufacturing turnover far less substantial

Manufacturing turnover was almost 3 percent lower in November than one year previously. The downturn was far less substantial than in October, when turnover was still 17 percent down on October 2008.


Producer confidence increases again

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers has increased again in December 2018.
