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2221 results for agricultural areas
2221 results for agricultural areas

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Trade surplus excluding re-exports €20 billion lower

The Netherlands had a goods trade surplus of 52 billion euros in 2016.


Sustained decline unemployment

Unemployment declined by an average of 6 thousand a month over the past three months and stood at 463 thousand in March.


Construction; costs of alteration and new buildings, by phase 1995-2016

Building costs of alteration and new buildings by category of purpose by building phase by type of client, type of building and province


Carbon account

The carbon account records stocks and flows of carbon in and between various reservoirs: biosphere (stocks in vegetation, water etc.), atmosphere (as CO2,CH4 etc.), geosphere (oil, coal etc.) and the...


Successful innovations

A successful innovation is a development that is integrated into the day-to-day business operations.


CBS and city of Zwolle join forces

infrastructure, data processing and privacy protection


Sustained decline unemployment

Unemployment fell over the past three months by an average of 14 thousand a month. In January 574 thousand people and 6.5 percent in the labour force were unemployed. Statistics Netherlands reports...


Emancipation Monitor 2016

Women nowadays are more highly educated, up to age 45 even more highly educated than men.


Economic growth 2.6 percent in third quarter 2006

The first estimate of Statistics Netherlands’ quarterly national accounts puts Dutch economic growth at 2.6 percent in the third quarter of 2006.


fewer apprenticeships for mbo students in 2013

As a result of the economic situation in the Netherlands nearly 18 thousand fewer apprenticeship places were available in 2013 than in 2012 for students in the apprenticeship-based track (bbl) of...


Unemployment down

In March, the number of unemployed also declined, but this was caused by the fact that people withdrew from the labour market.


Fewer concerns over job retention among employees

Employees are increasingly less concerned about retaining their jobs; 24% in 2016 and as much as 34% in 2013.


Non-western immigrants in the Dutch province of Noord-Brabant (Dutch only)

At the request of "Het PON", Statistics Netherlands' Centre for Policy Related Statistics has compiled tables on ethnic minorities in the province of Noord-Brabant. The tables specify the working and...


Help showing graph

Help showing graph


More women to obtain doctorate

In recent years, the number of people obtaining a doctorate has increased in the Netherlands, particularly among women.


Sickness absence rate dips to lowest level since 1996

The sickness absence rate among employees in the Netherlands has fallen to 3.8 percent in 2014, the lowest rate since 1996.


More than half of employees are 65 years or older at retirement

The average age for employees to go into retirement has risen further to 64.1 years in 2014. The number of 55 to 65-year-olds going into retirement is declining rapidly. Because the population is...


One in 15 employees involved in work-related accidents

Last year, 458 thousand workers sustained physical or mental damage due to accidents in the workplace, i.e. 1 in 15 employees in the Netherlands. Nearly half of victims were absent from work at least...



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 10-14 September 2007 (Week 37).


The ESS report 2012

This first edition of the ESS Report provides information on the organisation and structure of the ESS and some of its key achievements and initiatives in 2012. It examines an increasingly important...


Rebasing price indices civil engineering to 2010=100

Erratum 24 December 2014: After checking the document Rebasing input price indices of Civil engineering from 2005=100 to 2010=100 one table appeared to contain some inaccuracies.


Hackathons: a smart solution to social problems

(big) data and smart software as a means to create solutions to various social problems


Producer Prices Index (PPI); output and import prices, 2010=100, 2005-2017

Price index numbers (excluding excise) and month and year development Market and product according to product nomenclature ProdCom



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 12 - 16 Dec. 2011 (Week 50).



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 25 - 29 March 2013 (Week 13).
