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3616 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3616 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

Page 73 of 145

Socioeconomic status

Dossier page on socioeconomic status of migrants


Job and language competence important factors for identification

Command of the Dutch language is an important identification factor for people with a non-western background. Participation on the labour market is also conducive to identification with the...


Income accounts sector households, region; national accounts 1995-2015

Transactions of the sector households and per capita Primary and secundary income distribution by region


Share of renewable energy up to 4 percent

Renewable energy accounted for approximately 4 percent of total domestic energy consumption in the Netherlands last year versus 3.4 percent in 2008.


Retail turnover remains stable

Turnover generated by the Dutch retail sector was at approximately the same level in February 2014 as in February 2013. Average retail prices were 0.3 percent down from twelve months previously.


Retail turnover marginally up

Retail turnover was nearly 1 percent up in August 2012 compared with August 2011. Retail prices were nearly 2 percent higher; the volume of retail sales was more than 1 percent down on twelve months...


Energy consumption down by 7 percent in 2011

Energy consumption in the Netherlands was nearly 7 percent lower in 2011 than in 2010. This is mainly due to the mild winter, the lower electricity production level and the reduced production level...


Extracting data on road network transportation from sensor data without sample design

Big data has received increasing attention across several disciplines in recent years. In official statistics, big data potentially enables us to produce statistics cheaper, faster, and on a higher...


Sector accounts; current transactions 1969 - q4 2013

Current transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


manufacturing output up again, after five months of decline

According to Statistics Netherlands, the average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 1.6 percent higher in March 2015 than in March 2014. This is the first increase after five...


manufacturing output marginally down in February

According to Statistics Netherlands, the average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 0.2 percent lower in February 2015 than in February 2014. The decline was less substantial...


manufacturing output again above last year's level

According to Statistics Netherlands, the average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry in April 2015 was 0.9 percent up from April 2014.


Emigrants in their fifties and sixties wealthier than same-age Dutch residents

Dutch people who emigrate between the ages of 50 and 70 are on average richer than their peers who stayed in the Netherlands.


Electricity imports at record level

At the same time production at gas-fired electricity plants was at its lowest level of the last ten years.


More GP house calls for elderly with a low income

Some nine out of ten people aged over 75 in the Netherlands consulted their general practitioner at least once in 2008.


Sustained growth for e-commerce

In 2006, Dutch companies generated nearly 11 percent of their turnover through e-commerce.


Producer confidence at record high

Never before were manufacturers so optimistic.


More than half of farmers supplement their incomes

More than half of agricultural and horticultural enterprises in the Netherlands generated revenues in 2010 by expanding their range of activities or accepting a job not related to their own...


Pension gender gap still considerable

The share of women aged 65 and older receiving supplementary pensions has grown considerably between 2000 and 2012, although it is still significantly lower than among men. On average, women’s...


More renewable energy used

The share of renewable energy in total energy consumption increased from 3.8 percent in 2010 to 4.2 percent in 2011. The reason for the increase is twofold: the consumption of renewable energy...
