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2651 results for traffic and transport
2651 results for traffic and transport

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Energy consumption energy sector; energy commodities, 1967-2013 2nd quarter

Energy consumption of hard coal, lignite, crude, natural gas Petroleum products, renewable energy, waste, electricity, heat


Dramatic downturn trade with Libya

The Arab League currently comprises 22 Arab nations. Dutch trade with member state Libya dropped most dramatically.


ICT use by companies broken down by sector of industry (SIC 2008), 2008

Internal and external networks, ICT applications, ADE, SCM, RFID Sector of Industry (SIC 2008)


Manufacturing output down for the first time in 3 years

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 4.2 percent down in December 2018 compared to the same month one year previously.


Gross fixed capital formation; monthly data

Brief survey description Gross fixed capital formation; monthly data


Dutch manufacturers remain positive

Dutch manufacturers remain positive


Employment rising in sustainable energy sector

Just over 45 thousand people (in full-time equivalents) were employed in the Dutch sustainable energy sector in 2013. This is 24 percent more than in 2008. In the remainder of the economy employment...


Lack of important new skills or know-how among nearly a quarter of Dutch employees

Lack of important new skills or know-how among nearly a quarter of Dutch employees In 2014 some 23 percent of all Dutch employees lacked new skills and know-how they needed to perform well in their...


Goods exports to the UK lagging behind

In 2017, Dutch goods exports to the UK represented a value of 39 billion euros, nearly the same amount as in 2016.


Dutch producer confidence improving

Dutch producer confidence improving


Consumption 0.7 percent down in February

The volume of domestic consumption was 0.7 percent smaller in February 2004 than in February 2003. This was the twelfth month in a row that consumption expenditure was lower than twelve months...


CPI (Consumer price indices)

Consumer price indices, month - on-month and year-on-year change Household expenditure for all households, low and high income households


Producer confidence continues to grow

Producer confidence continues to grow


Industry; production and sales, index 2010=100, '05 January - '18 September

Indexfigures and changes of production, total turnover, domestic and foreign turnover in the industry by sectors and branches (SIC2008)


Third quarter economic growth unchanged at 1.8 percent

Figures from Statistics Netherlands put Dutch economic growth at 1.8 percent in the third quarter of 2008 compared with twelve months previously. This is the lowest growth rate since the beginning of...


One in nine employed work less than twelve hours a week

In the second quarter of 2014, nearly 900 thousand people (11 percent of all persons employed in the Netherlands) were working less than twelve hours a week. Three-quarters do not wish or are unable...


Compensation of employees, employment; quarterly, NA, 1995-2018

Compensation of employees, wages, jobs (by sex) , fte, hours worked quarterly, economic activity


Economic situation unchanged

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has not changed in October compared to the previous month.


Producer Prices (2000 = 100) by SBI '93

Price index number including and excluding excise According to activity nomenclature SBI'93


Investment climate; aviation network connectivity international comparison

Aviation network connectivity Major European airports near cities


Continuing vocational training survey, 1993-2005

Costs of and number of employees with internal and external courses by branch of industry and size of enterprise
