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3357 results for nature value
3357 results for nature value

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Dutch economy growing greener

The Dutch economy has become greener over the past 15 years. Five out six themes structured around greening of the economy show a positive trend. The environmental efficiency of the Dutch economy is...


economic situation hardly changes

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports today that the economic situation in the Netherlands remains invariably positive. Nearly all indicators in the Business Cycle Tracer performed above the level of...


economic situation improves further

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation improved slightly in August 2015 from July. Almost all indicators in the Tracer are performing better than their...


Sustained economic contraction

According to the first estimate the Dutch economy shrank by 0.2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012 compared to the third quarter and by 1.0 percent in the third quarter compared to the second...


What are the national accounts?

All macro-economic statistics are compiled within a coherent system: the national accounts.


Water supply, waste management; employment and finance, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Water supply, waste; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Water supply, sewerage, waste collection and treatment, remediation


GDP up on Bonaire, down on St Eustatius and Saba

In 2016, the volume of gross domestic product (GDP) rose by 2.2 percent on Bonaire; on St Eustatius and Saba, it fell by 1.0 and 0.5 percent, respectively. The total GDP volume in the Caribbean...


Environmental protection expenditure

Total environmental expenditure as a percentage of GDP has increased slightly since 2000, indicating that relatively more financial resources have been committed to protection of the environment.


Modest exports growth

In July 2013, the volume of exports of goods was 1.1 percent up from July 2012. The growth is in the same order of magnitude as in May and June.


Exports shrinks

The volume of exports of goods was 2.7 percent lower in April than twelve months previously. Exports decreased for the first time since October 2011. The volume of imports decreased by 0.2 percent in...


Exports in decline

The volume of exports of goods was 2.3 percent down in April from April 2012. A decline in this order of magnitude has not occurred since October 2011. The volume of imports remained stable in April...


Modest growth for exports

The volume of exports of goods grew by 3 percent in February relative to twelve months previously. Over the past five months, exports growth ranged between 3 and 6 percent. The volume of imports...


Modest exports growth

In July 2013, the volume of exports of goods was 1.9 percent up from July 2012. Exports growth was marginally larger than in May and June. The volume of imports decreased by 2.4 percent in July. In...


Netherlands fifth exporter of services in the EU

After the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Spain, the Netherlands was the fifth largest exporter of services in the European Union (EU) in 2009 with a value of nearly 82 billion euro.


More bankruptcies again

Over 9 300 bankruptcies were pronounced in 2004. This is 7 percent more than in 2003. The increase occurred mainly among natural persons (private individuals with or without single-owner company)....


Slight rise in energy prices

An average Dutch households paid 1.5 percent more for its gas and electricity in January 2008 than in the previous month.


Dutch exports growth up

The volume of imports and exports of goods grew by 6 percent in October relative to twelve months previously. The growth figures for imports and exports are higher than in the four preceding months.
