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7774 results for wage increase
7774 results for wage increase

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Gas consumption in the Netherlands declines again

A total of 30 billion cubic metres of natural gas were consumed in the Netherlands in 2023.


Regional key figures; National Accounts

GDP, GDP per capita, Value added, Compensation of employees, Labour input Region


Obesity rate has tripled in the last 40 years

In 2023, 16 percent of adults aged 20 years or older were obese


More than half of Ukrainian refugees in paid employment

On 1 November 2023, 55 percent of the approximately 78 thousand 15 to 64-year-old refugees with Ukrainian nationality living in the Netherlands were employed.


Retail turnover up by almost 2 percent in January

The Dutch retail sector recorded 1.8 percent year-on-year turnover growth.


Bankruptcies up by over 50 percent in 2023

Altogether 3,271 businesses and institutions were declared bankrupt, over 50 percent more than in 2022.


Inflation up to 3.2 percent in January; 3.5 percent excluding energy

The inflation rate stood at 3.2 percent in January.


Area under organic farming up by nearly 9 percent

In 2023, the total utilised agricultural area (UAA) under organic farming increased by 6.6 thousand hectares relative to the previous year. This is an area equivalent to over 9 thousand football...


Inflation down to 1.2 percent in December; 3.4 percent excluding energy

The inflation rate stood at 1.2 percent in December.


Caribbean Netherlands: purchasing power gains subsided in 2021

In 2021, the purchasing power of the Caribbean Dutch population continued to rise, but less sharply than in the previous year.


Agricultural nitrogen surplus higher after summer drought of 2022

In 2022, the agricultural nitrogen surplus, i.e., that part of excess nitrogen which is not fixed in animal and plant products, increased by 6.5 percent year on year to a total of 312 million kg.


House price increase 21.1 percent in January

In December 2021, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 20.4 percent more expensive than one year previously. It is the largest price increase since the start of this...


Retail turnover over 4 percent up in December

The Dutch retail sector recorded 4.2 percent year-on-year turnover growth.


Young adults more likely to live with parents than 20 years ago

An increasing share of young adults aged 18 to 29 years are still living with one or both parents.


Retail turnover over 3 percent up in November

The Dutch retail sector recorded 3.2 percent year-on-year turnover growth.


Inflation up to 1.6 percent in November; 4.2 percent excluding energy

The inflation rate stood at 1.6 percent in November.


More bankruptcies in June

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has increased.


Growth accounts; national accounts

Productivity: labour, capital, multi-factor productivity Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2008)


Civil engineering works; Input price index 2015=100

Price indices on the basis of 2015 = 100 and changes compared to 1 year earlier regarding several areas of work.


More electric and hybrid car imports in recent years

In 2022, a total of 304 thousand passenger cars were exported, nearly 2 percent fewer than in the previous year. The Netherlands imported 249 thousand cars, representing a decline of more than 15...


Civil engineering works; input price index 2000 = 100, from 1979

Price indices on the basis of 2000=100 and changes compared to 1 year earlier regarding several areas of work.


Health care institutions; key figures, finance and personnel

Profit/loss account, balance sheet, personnel, self-employed, hospitals, mental health hospitals, residential care for children


Inbound trade from the US has doubled since 2007

In 2021, 42 billion kilograms of goods from the United States were brought to the Netherlands, twice as much as in 2007. The value increased by more than 50 percent. The increase was just the other...


Business confidence slightly lower at the start of Q4

Entrepreneurial confidence showed a slight decline at the start of Q4 2023, ending at -10.1.


Over 4 million people withhold consent for organ donation

On 1 January 2024, 10.6 million people aged 18 years or older had registered their preference regarding organ donation in the national Donor Register.
