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1561 results for security chain
1561 results for security chain

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Labour price index; index figures 2021=100; National Accounts

Labour price index; wage costs per hour worked Branches SIC 2008


Environmental Goods and Services Sector, industries; national accounts

Environmental sector by economic activity and per environmental domain Environmental protection, Resource management and Economic activity


SDG 16.2 Institutions

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16.2 Peace, justice and strong institutions: institutions. SDG 16.2 relates to institutions such as the House of Representatives, the police, the...


Online purchases: more digital products and fewer physical goods

In 2022 ,74 percent of the Dutch population aged 12 years and up said they had purchased something online. This is less than last year, when 77 percent had made online purchases


Research and development; key figures per implementation sector

Employed persons, years of work, enterprises with in-house R&D activities Sectors, businesses, institutions, institutions of higher education


Provincial accounts; balance sheet by region

Provincial accounts, balance sheet by regulation 'Besluit Begroting en Verantwoording' (BBV).


Central government; monthly cash based revenue and expenditure

Monthly cash based revenue and expenditure of the Central Government according to EU directive 2011/85 (Sixpack).


Labour price index; index figures 2015=100; National Accounts

Labour price index; wage costs per hour worked Branches SIC 2008


Inheritances; inherited wealth, characteristics

Inherited wealth of deceased persons Wealth components, marital status, sex


SDG 8.2 Labour and leisure time

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8.2 Decent work and economic growth: Labour and leisure time. The second part of SDG 8 examines factors that help to give everybody who wants to work...


Caribbean Netherlands; labour participation, position in the household

Labour force, unemployment, labour participation Sex, age, position in the household


SDG 10.1 Social cohesion and inequality

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10.1 Reduced inequalities: social cohesion and inequality. The first part of SDG 10 addresses social cohesion, inclusiveness and equality. These are...


SDG 11.1 Sustainable cities and communities: housing

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11.1 Sustainable cities and communities: housing. A large part of life takes place in and around the home. SDG 11.1 relates to suitable housing....


Consumption expenditure by purpose; National Accounts

Final consumption expenditure by purpose Purposes conform COICOP classification


Capital stocks; SIC; type of capital assets, National Accounts

Capital stock; volume changes SIC, institutional sectors, type of capital assets


Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours; index (2020=100)

Cao wages, contractual wage costs and working hours Index figures (2020=100) by cao sector and SIC 2008


Minister presented with ‘Dutch Trade in Facts and Figures 2022’ publication

On 31 August 2022 Liesje Schreinemacher, the Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, was presented with the new Statistics Netherlands (CBS) publication ‘Dutch Trade in Facts...


Labour participation; key figures

Labour force, unemployment rate, labour participation Sex, age, level of education


Labour participation; young people

Labour force, unemployment, labour participation Young people (15-24 years), sex, in education or not


Supply and use by products of activity; National Accounts

Supply and use by products of activity Groups of products of activity (CPA)


Income, consumption, wealth of households: key figures; National Accounts

Keyfigures on income, expenditure and net worth of households Source of income, living situation, househould compositon, age and income


Municipal accounts; balance sheet by region and size class

Municipal accounts, balance sheet according to the Dutch regulation 'Besluit Begroting en Verantwoording gemeenten en provincies (BBV)'.


Consumption by type of goods and services; National Accounts

Final consumption expenditure Type of goods and services


Labour participation; attachment to the labour market

Employed and not employed, want to work, reasons to not want to work Sex, age, level of education


Labour participation; position in the household

Labour force, unemployment, labour participation Position in household, sex, age
