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450 results for disablement
450 results for disablement

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Fewer people with disabilities working

In 2004 some 16 percent of people aged 15-64 were hampered in finding or carrying out paid jobs due to chronic complaints, illness or disabilities.


Persons with a job or disablement benefit in Breda, by neighbourhood and background characteristics, 2009 (Dutch only)

Tables with number of people with a job and / or disablement benefit by neighbourhood and age, ethnic background and family composition. Commissioned by: municipality of Breda.


Quality report on Labour Disablement Benefits Statistics

The aim of this report is to explain the aim, process, method and publication policy in the production and use of the disablement benefits statistics to the users. We also focus on the quality of the...


Number of disability benefits down by more than 100 thousand in half a decade

By the end of November last year, 597 thousand disability benefits were paid out, a decrease by 109 thousand from five years ago. The total amount paid out has risen by more than 300 million euro in...


People suffering from disabilities or chronic diseases, 2012 (Dutch only)

Custom-made tables on living conditions of people suffering from disabilities or chronic diseases. Commissioned by: the Netherlands institute for Human Rights.


One ten people look after chronically ill or disabled relatives

One in ten 15 to 65-year-olds look after chronically ill or disabled relatives. In most cases, the care is provided to one or both parents. Women in the age category 45-55 more often provide care...


More female recipients of disability benefits

By the end of September this year, 608 thousand disablement benefits were granted under the Occupational Disability Act (WAO) or the Labour Capacity Act (WIA). More than 291 thousand benefit...


Mortality not declining further in week 7

In week 7 (15 to 21 February inclusive), estimated mortality stood at 3,600.


More support for chronically ill, disabled and elderly people in the North and East of the Netherlands and Limburg than elsewhere

There were over 250 thousand chronically ill, disabled or elderly people in the Netherlands who required support in organising the practical matters of everyday life in 2012. This form of support...


One in three disabled hold paid jobs

In 2013, 14 percent of all 15 to 64-year-olds in the Netherlands – nearly 1.6 million people – had a disability. They suffer from chronic diseases, disorders or disabilities restricting their...


Longer life, but more years with a physical disability

Although Dutch people are living to older ages, they are no longer doing so in perfect health. The number of years they have to cope with a physical disability is increasing. These are mostly minor...


Disability benefits down by 175 thousand in the space of ten years

At the end of June 2013, 818 thousand people in the Netherlands were claiming a disability benefit, 175 thousand fewer than at the end of December 2002, when the record number of claimants was...


Marginal increase new disability benefits

The number of new cases under the Work and Income according to Labour Capacity Act (WIA) is growing gradually. In the first half of last year, 12 thousand new disability benefits were granted, as...


Spending on disablement assistance for young people up

Spending on disablement assistence for young people (Wajong) have been rising in recent years. In 2003 spending amounted to nearly 1.3 billion euro, while in 2008 this had increased to nearly 1.9...


Decrease in disability benefits slowing down

In August 2011, 825 thousand people in the Netherlands were claiming a disability benefit. Nearly half of them received a benefit because of mental health problems or a behavioural disorder.


Work-disabled hardly benefit from thriving economy

If the situation on the labour market deteriorates, work disabled individuals are hit harder than the population as a whole.
